3 Easy Ways To Make More Money This Year


 3 Easy Ways To Make More Money This Year

If you’re reading this, we can assume that money is currently a little tight. And if that’s the case, then it’s time to get creative!

What do we know? Well, it feels like everyone has been talking about the perfect hustle lately and I have some thoughts on what might work for you. It will take creativity, but with these 3 easy steps you will be able to make some extra buckaroos in 2019!

1)    Offer a service at an event: If you're relatively new to your trade or looking for practice before taking on larger clients, an event could be just what you need. Offer your service, such as web design or dry cleaning, to any group who is holding an event.

2)    Drive for Lyft or Uber: If you have a car and have a clean driving record, why not get paid to drive people around? Offer your services as a driver to both Lyft and Uber, as they are in direct competition with each other. The bonus is that while you're driving around town you can pick up some extra cash! Just make sure that when you're picking up passengers it's on the side of the road where it's supposed to be!

3)    Sell your old stuff: You probably have a box full of old CDs and DVDs taking up space in your closet. If you've still got an old desktop computer, sell it on Craigslist. If you've got an unused cell phone, sell it on Swappa. Offer your stuff to potential buyers and get some more bucks in the bank!

I hope these 3 easy steps helped you make some extra money! Good luck with the new year and make sure that you're making a plan if your current one isn't working.

If you're looking for more help, check out my ebook on how to make an extra $500,000 this year.

You can get it for free here: How To Make $500,000 This Year


Growing Your Business through Social Media Marketing

Social media is probably the most powerful tool to grow you business because of its enormous global reach. You will be amazed that your small effort results in a huge leverage of people and potential customers. And it will all happen even before the first sale takes place! So what are the social media outlets that you should use and how do they work? This chapter explains everything.

Social media marketing is the practice of using online social networking sites to promote your products and services. For example, if you have a bakery and you want to grow your business, Facebook is a great place to advertise.

Targeted Audience

It will be easy for your targeted audience to find you on Facebook. This is because there are millions of people on Facebook that share their interest and passion for food, baking or cooking in general. So why not take advantage of it? Most likely there are many people who will be enthusiastic about what you’re providing and they will want to buy from you.

SEO for your Business

Social media platforms are also good for SEO. Search engines are more likely to pick up what you’re posting on social media. This is because Google updates their ranking algorithm by using a variety of signals from social media platforms. Other than improving the visibility of your business on search engine listings, it will also enable you to bring in new customers who are searching for your products and services through Google.

New Leads and Sales

Social media sites that have a lot of traffic such as Facebook and Twitter will generate leads or sales even if they’re not well-built or marketed yet. This is because these sites reach millions of potential customers and can generate sales with minimal efforts from you. For example, Twitter allows you to search for similar businesses or products to yours and these will be displayed in your social media feeds. This will definitely help to grow your business by expanding your customer base.


Social media marketing is a great way to grow your business if you take advantage of it. It will provide you with all the traffic and leads that you need, whether that’s through new customers or referrals from existing ones. Alternatively, it will also improve the visibility of your business and help increase leads and sales - no matter how small they are. As such these sites are highly effective in communicating your message to the world and they attract more people, which will increase your visibility.


Ten Secrets to Successful Internet Marketing

1) Start Small

Start by experimenting with your websites, blogs, and social media platforms. The best way to grow a business is not to make drastic changes at once. Just experiment with different things and see what works for you. If you do this properly you’ll have a well-designed website professionally done by the time you have completed the above process. In addition, it’ll be less costly compared to hiring someone through agencies or freelancers. However, be sure that the idea you’re pushing for is not too big for your small business.

2) Build a Website

If you don't have a website, it's probably due to bad planning and lack of marketing sense. Get in touch with an experienced website designer to build your business online. You can also consult a friend who shares similar interests, to help you decide on the look and feel of your website.

3) Optimize Your Social Media Optimize all of your social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) by using retargeting tools such as AdWords or JumpSend. By using these retargeting tools you can try to get your audience to come back and visit your website. There are many more social media platforms today than there were when I started my business in 2006. And the best thing is that they're all free!

4) Create Great Content

Creating great content is the most important part of internet marketing. If you want your customers to visit your website, then you should know how to produce good quality content that will keep them coming back for more. However, if you don't have time to write this type of content then it's time to get a virtual assistant. There are actually a lot of people out there who will be happy to help you out for a reasonable fee.


There are many different ways to promote your products and services online. All you have to do is know how to use the resources that are available for free. Once you have optimized your social media platforms, website, blog and email marketing lists then you’re ready for the next step towards your business success.

5) Create a Blog

Create a blog and keep it updated regularly with relevant content. Be sure that you choose a topic that is related to what your business does or offers. For example if you're in the health industry, then focus on posting health related articles or content on your blog every week.

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