3 Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories


 3 Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

Everyone wants to be a writer. But it is not easy to get your articles seen online, especially without having any links. There are several article directories with various editorial processes and selection criteria, so you should know what they are before submitting your desired article for consideration. This will help you avoid wasting your time, which is something that everyone has in short supply these days.
Here are three things you must do before you submit your article for consideration in article directory sites:
Only submit your articles to respected and reliable article directories.
Respected and reliable sites have a well-established history of publishing quality articles. They have strict editorial policies and codes of ethics that all writers must adhere to . They usually pay authors for their articles, offering higher rates than those that don't pay. Some sites also offer their own marketing solutions to assist authors in promoting their own products and services through the use of calls-to-action.
So if you want to get higher rates for your articles, you definitely need to choose reputable websites as the source because it is how they decide what gets published and paid for.
Reach out to the editors of the directories you plan to submit your articles to.
They can help guide you with their specific editorial processes and selection criteria, tell you what they are looking for and what not to submit, as well as advice about your work. This will allow you to have a clearer idea about whether or not your article will be accepted. If it is accepted, then you know that it qualifies for the directory's standards. But if it gets rejected, then at least you know where they stand, including their reasons why they are rejecting your submission.
Be sure that the article you are submitting can't go to waste.
Many sites have a multiple submission policy, meaning that only a certain number of articles can be published at a time. This is usually to keep their directory listings fresh and interesting, but also to avoid flooding their site pages with numerous identical articles. You need to find out how many articles they allow per page, so you can figure out if your submission will make it in or if it was rejected because there are too many other similar articles on their list.
If you want your article to get in, do these three things beforehand. This way, your article will have a higher chance of getting published and noticed. Otherwise, it will be rejected and you will probably never hear from that website again. So this is really worth your time.
Don't forget to share your knowledge with everyone. You never know who could use it or benefit from it."
Author : Joey Liu
Title: 3 Ways To Create A Website That Attracts Traffic [WEBSITE START]
Every website owner wants to have a lot of visitors viewing the websites they are interested into, which can lead to increased sales . But if you are not sure how to do this, you are not the only one. The Internet is full of tips and offers for sites that are selling products or services, but sometimes these offers can rather be an exaggeration of a few tips. On the other hand, there are also some really good things that can help your website get more visitors than ever before.
So here are three ways to create a website that attracts traffic .
The above tutorial contains general information about this topic. Keep reading the following articles and you will get more information about this :
How To Submit Your Articles To 350 Article Directories At Once With A Single Submission Kit [http://ezseonews.com/submit-articles-article-directory/]
Article Marketing Tips | Help For Article Writing | Article Writing [ http :// www . factoidz .com/]
Using Your Expertise. Use what you know and have done to create content that allows site visitors to benefit from your experience. You can also write content around a hobby or interest, but just don't forget to add in a learning component so you don't end up writing an essay or something that is too dry for other readers.
Have a Specific Goal. Write content that has a specific goal in mind. You don't want to write something that is going to waste, but you do want to have the content speak to your readers and offer them something that they can use or benefit from.
Linking. A book published on Amazon with a link to Amazon is not going to be very effective, so you need to make sure all your links are relevant and will help boost your sales. 
If you want more information about these topics, just visit the following websites : http://ezseonews .com/submit-articles-article-directory/; http://www.factoidz .com/; http://www.stevendepolo .com/ ; http://www.mariuxeo.com/
Here's your opportunity to share your love and favourite tips on this topic :
We have written a great article about the skill of finding a concept that can be the foundation of the information on your website. For most companies it is absolutely critical, but is simply not all that obvious! We'll tell you what it takes to find that idea, and how you should choose yours!
Share with us by replying to our blog post. Click here - [http://ezseonews .com/submit-articles-article-directory/]
Thank you for reading the above article !
Author : Sam Molnar
Title: How to Create a Successful Blog About Your Passion in Marketing : 5 Hot Tips to Start your blog right now [BLOG]
If you are interested on how to make money online as a blogger, then these tips will help you. This article will also show you how to set up your blog so that it is professional and optimized. It is better to create a website than just have an online blog, because the internet has changed everything in our lives. Today, we can communicate with each other easily and efficiently with the use of social media and websites like blogs.
If you are new to the world of blogging and do not know how to start your blog, then you may start with online marketing. Here are five tips on how to create a successful blog about your passion in marketing.
1 . Create an Awesome Blog Name. The first thing that you need to do is analyze your potential readers' interests and create an awesome blog name accordingly. Your blog will be popular if it has an interesting name as people like unique names as they relate back their own interests. This way, you can use their favorite names for their blogs as well.
2 . Make Your Blog Responsive.

Pinterest is the newest social media site that can help you promote your blog. It is a new site with great potential to increase traffic to your website. If you are not yet using Pinterest for your blog, then it's time to start!
3 . Show Off Your Content on StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is another social media site that can help increase the traffic of your blog. It allows its users to find and share content from around the web based on their interests. When you use this social internet site, they will be able to see your content and become interested in it as well.

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