5 Easy Ways To Get Your Creative Juices Going
Writers, painters, and entrepreneurs alike can all battle with creative blocks sometimes. Luckily, there're a few simple things you can try to get your creative juices flowing again! Here are 5 methods to try. Just keep in mind that this is only one step of many to reach your goals!
1. Check your calendar
Often, we have our schools meet dates circled on our calenders, or we have "work" due dates painted on the walls at work. Either way, those dates are important to us. You should treat writing and other creative projects just like you would the busy days of your everyday schedule because it can sometimes feel just as overwhelming!
Let's face it: we all dread writing and creative art assignments, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't expect that same fear when you tackle your first novel or screenplay. Let's face reality together—the biggest obstacle for most writers is getting started with writing a lot.
Use your calendar and other appointments as a way to keep yourself motivated. Instead of starting every project at a dead point, build up your momentum with short spurts of ideas, then either put them aside or continue to work on them until you finish.
2. Cut yourself a break
It's easy to turn down assignments that don't appeal to you because it's not what you're used to doing or because you have too many of them on the go already. (By the way, if you don't have any in progress right now, that is NOT an excuse!) It can be helpful sometimes to do things that don't match your normal routine.
You might find that you get a lot more accomplished this way, or you may find a new kind of inspiration for your projects. You'll never know until you try! A change in pace can revitalize your mind and help motivate you to take on that next big project.
3. Remember why you do what you do
It's easy to forget why we're doing something big when something so small is the first step on our journey. But, taking those little steps almost always leads to getting the bigger ones done, too! Don't feel bad if it's been a while since you took a break from your latest project or if you've had trouble immersing yourself in it lately.
Think of this as a starting point, not the end. You can always go back and refer to it later, or start over if you want to try something new!
4. Get that old passion out of the closet
If you're feeling stuck with your current projects or wish you could be writing more, try getting a little creative boost from something you've done in the past. If you've ever written poetry or songs at any time in your life, maybe it's time to draft one. Or, if you used to draw every day as a child, take that skill and put it to use. Or….
See where this is going?
5. Get a writing partner
You might not have time for all of those ideas—but you can find someone who does! Grab your old friend, your brother or girlfriend, or even that guy you barely tolerate at the coffee shop. All it takes is making a little time to do it.
Do something together and still be able to spend time together on the weekends or whenever you want. The benefits are plenty to make it a worth-while experience.
By: Jonathon Philbrook [ARTICLE END]
There you have it, folks! Five easy steps to get your creative juices flowing again. Whether you choose to do something new with your style or just need a few different perspectives, these ideas can be incredibly useful to jump start your imagination in more ways than one. Get out there and have fun!
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