5 Free Online Advertising Channels For Your Business
There are many different avenues of advertising that businesses can take advantage of. With so many options available, it might be tough to decide what you should use for your business needs. Luckily, I am here to help you with that decision. In this post I will highlight 5 free online advertising channels for your business!
1) Google Adwords: Google ads are a great place for small businesses because the system is set up so that you only pay when your ad is clicked on or seen by a person who would not have otherwise seen the ad. This means that your ad can be shown to thousands of people, but if they do not click or otherwise interact with the ad, you will not pay anything. This is a great benefit to small businesses because we can afford to play around with different campaigns and see what works best instead of just paying for any ad that pops up. Google ads also make it easy for users to click on the link associated with your ad and make purchases through your website. If you are looking for some help setting up ads on affiliate sites like Amazon, check out Affiliate Google Ads .
2) Social Media: Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, have proved to be great places for advertising. Facebook is all about sharing information; whether it be pictures of your favorite food, funny quotes or best jokes, or sharing content that relates to your products and services. With the ability to reach an audience of friends and family who have similar interests and opinions to your business, social media ads are effective ways of promoting your business. Likewise with Twitter; you can promote your business by tweeting links promoting your website or pages on your site that relate to what you are selling. Both of these are free ways for you to advertise on social media sites.
3) Blogs: If you already have a blog or website (or are looking to start one), then blogs can also be an effective way for you to advertise your business. You can use free advertising channels such as commenting on articles or leaving blog posts on relevant websites that link back to your products and services. You can also use paid advertisement options by purchasing ads at the end of your own blogs or other people's. These ads usually appear at the bottom of blog posts and work in a similar way to Google ads. They show an image with a link, which takes people straight to your page when they click on it. This is a great way to reach the audience of other blogs because it is easy for people to click on your link and visit your site.
4) Pop-ups: Pop-ups can be an effective way for you to promote your business through free online advertising channels. There are many free pop-up programs that allow you to set up a pop-up that will appear when someone visits your website or blog. You can add links within this pop-up, which will take the user straight to certain pages of your site when they click on it. This is a great way to promote your business because it shows people (especially potential clients) exactly what you are trying to sell them, but it is a great way for you to get more website traffic because more people will click on your links. Pop-ups can also be effective if you have an affiliate site.
5) Pay Per Clicks: I believe that this is going to become the most popular advertising channel in the future because of all the technology that can be used with it. These types of ads cost money when someone clicks on one of your links, so it is best for businesses that make a lot of money or sell expensive products or services. One of the most popular pay per click companies is Google Adwords, but there are several other companies that you can use to advertise your business. Some of these include Yahoo! Search Marketing and Bing. One thing to remember with pay per click advertisements is that they require a substantial amount of traffic to be profitable. If you are going to choose this method of advertising, make sure that you have a lot of customers or interested individuals who will see your ads!
There are many different ways that you can advertise your business; it just depends on what type of product or service you are selling and whether or not one free online advertising channel would work well for your needs. If you have any questions about free online advertising, feel free to ask me in the comments!
5 Free Online Advertising Channels for Small Businesses Part 2: Content Marketing
I hope you enjoyed this post about 5 free online advertising channels for your small business. To learn more about how to promote your business through all of these channels, check out my post on marketing tips and tricks. I will be highlighting some of the tactics that can be used in each of these advertising methods and how they can be used to promote your business. I will also be discussing some different marketing channels that are not free and how you can use them to your advantage.
In the second part of 5 Free Online Advertising Channels for Small Businesses, I want to talk about content marketing. Content marketing is a great way to advertise a business because people can find information that they want on your website or blog. It is a really effective means of advertising because people are going to your site anyway, so it will not be an inconvenience to any potential customers or clients. If you have created a blog or website, post helpful articles and videos on your site that seem relevant to what you are selling. Post these on your blog and on sites that people would be interested in reading your articles. If you have created a website, make sure that you include a blog on your website that has relevant and useful content. Again, this will be an easy avenue for potential clients to look at you products or services. You can also use social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to post links and articles that talk about your business, which might bring in more readers than other advertising forums.
Complementary Content to Promote Affiliate Products
Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate links can be used in conjunction with web links when people are buying from your site or viewing information about a product or service through links on your site from other websites.
I hope you enjoyed this post about 5 free online advertising channels for your small business. To learn more about how to promote your business through all of these channels, check out my post on FREE ways to market on the Internet . I will be highlighting some of the tactics that can be used in each of these advertising methods and how they can be used to promote your business. I will also be discussing some different marketing channels that are not free and how you can use them to your advantage.
In conclusion, there are many different ways and advertising channels that are available for you to use for free online advertising for your small business.