5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market


 5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market

In the past, it used to be enough to just put a sign in your front yard. But these days, you need more than that. And what works best will depend on whether your company is B2B or B2C. But we've put together a list of five great ways to reach your target market!

1) Email Marketing - Whether you send newsletters or promotional messages, email marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching a large number of people with minimal effort.
2) Social Media Marketing - Use Facebook and Twitter for social media campaigns and contests that help you establish a sense of community with potential and current customers.

3) Trade Shows - Trade shows are an effective way to create buzz and drive foot traffic to your company. Smaller companies may not be able to afford exhibiting at larger trade shows, but they can rent booths at more local events such as the Greenbuild Expo, Green Industry Expo, and the International Green Building Conference.

4) Email Newsletter - A popular tactic for B2B businesses is a monthly email newsletter. Content should be relevant to your product or service and subscribe users in order to be effective.

5) Blogging - Blogs have become an integral part of B2B marketing strategies over the past few years and should play a key role in your strategy for future success.

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