5 Print Ad Essentials!


 5 Print Ad Essentials!

The best print ads don't just look great, they perform. A successful print ad will grab your attention and convince you to take action: whether it's collecting a coupon from the grocery aisle, picking up the phone for new tires, or going to an event in town. Here are five essentials for a winning print ad.

1) The headline has to be compelling. Your prospective customer only has seconds to scan through the page and make her decision of what ad she wants to read, so you need your headline to stand out among all others on the page. Keep your language short and straightforward and use active verbs that convey benefits instead of features (e.g. "Experience superior comfort" instead of "Sitting on a cushion filled with high-quality foam"). You can also use numbers or dollar signs for emphasis (e.g. "$1000 Cash"; "Advertise your business for $1/day!").
1) The headline has to be compelling. Your prospective customer only has seconds to scan through the page and make her decision of what ad she wants to read, so you need your headline to stand out among all others on the page. Keep your language short and straightforward and use active verbs that convey benefits instead of features (e.g. "Experience superior comfort" instead of "Sitting on a cushion filled with high-quality foam"). You can also use numbers or dollar signs for emphasis (e.g. "$1000 Cash"; "Advertise your business for $1/day!").
2) The visual cue has to be strong. You want the picture of the product to come alive and make the reader feel like they could pick it up at that instant and use it.
2) The visual cue has to be strong. You want the picture of the product to come alive and make the reader feel like they could pick it up at that instant and use it.
3) The copy has to spell out why you're better than your competitors (if you have them). State the benefits of your product or service, and make it a compelling offer: "Our spa offers superior comfort with our wide variety of massages and body treatments. Stop by our store when you need some relaxation or if you're looking for a gift."
3) The copy has to spell out why you're better than your competitors (if you have them). State the benefits of your product or service, and make it a compelling offer: "Our spa offers superior comfort with our wide variety of massages and body treatments. Stop by our store when you need some relaxation or if you're looking for a gift."
4) The visual cue has to be consistent. This is the most important piece of all - it's the reason that people remember just one product or slogan better than another. Make the visual cue stand out and make it a part of the copy in different ways. You can do this by having your name (and, where appropriate, your logo) stand out in a different color, or in smaller print at the top of the page.
4) The visual cue has to be consistent. This is the most important piece of all - it's the reason that people remember just one product or slogan better than another. Make the visual cue stand out and make it a part of the copy in different ways. You can do this by having your name (and, where appropriate, your logo) stand out in a different color, or in smaller print at the top of the page.
5) The visual cue has to be easy to remember. This is also the most important piece of all! You can't expect people to take action unless it's easy for them to recall and do so frequently. Make sure that it stands out from other ads and is memorable -- put your logo on a gold background or put it on a black background. Make sure it's easily recognized and easy to use as well ("Lights, Camera, Action!").
5) The visual cue has to be easy to remember.

The best print ads don't just look great, they perform. A successful print ad will grab your attention and convince you to take action: whether it's collecting a coupon from the grocery aisle, picking up the phone for new tires, or going to an event in town. Here are five essentials for a winning print ad.
5) The visual cue has to be easy to remember. This is also the most important piece of all! You can't expect people to take action unless it's easy for them to recall and do so frequently. Make sure that it stands out from other ads and is memorable -- put your logo on a gold background or put it on a black background.

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