5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!


 5 Steps To Generating Your Own Passive List Building Machine!

Do you want to generate more leads? Do you want to increase your lead conversion rates? Do you want a predictable and reliable way to build your business? It sounds like you're in the market for a passive list building machine. This post is going to show you how.

1) Find high-quality, low-volume keywords with intent-to-buyer traffic. 
2) Resolve keyword buyer's pain points with content optimization. 
3) Create optin forms that collect contact information and offer free bonuses. 
4) Build relationships with subscribers by sending automated email messages or lucrative offers on a regular basis. 
5) Rinse and repeat until you have a high-volume, low-maintenance list building machine that you can profit from.

The first step is to find your keywords. You need to start by keyword research and selecting the right keywords for your business because if you don't know where to start, it's going to be very difficult to build a profitable passive list building machine!

Understanding Niche Markets And Getting Clarity On Keywords:
Keyword research is an integral part of internet marketing success. It can tell you what words people are searching for in relation to your business category, which are relevant, which have low competition and which are in demand.

A key component of keyword research is understanding the different markets in terms of buyer intent. There are four basic types of buyers, who have different needs and different buying behaviors.

-Low-volume buyers that have low competition with high intent to buy: These are easy to find because all you need to do is go on Google, type "keyword," hit enter and wait for the page to load. Here's a perfect example: "SEO Guide" has zero competition and has over 1,700 searches per month (source).

-Medium-volume buyers that have low competition with high intent to buy: These are just as easy to find but their volume is somewhere in the middle of both low-volume and high-volume. They're the type of buyers you want because they have average sales per keyword, which means less competition and more profit. They also have lower intent to buy, so you don't need to be as aggressive with your ad text or targeting. Here's a perfect example: "SEO Guide" has about 200 searches per month but has a decent amount of competition and interest.

-High-volume buyers that have high competition with low intent to buy: These are the keywords you want to avoid. They're highly competitive, they have a lot of searches per month and they don't convert very well. For example, "free SEO guide" has about 4,000 searches per month but it has over 12,000 advertisers competing over that keyword (source). If you run an AdWords campaign for a keyword like this, you're doomed to fail.

-High-volume buyers that have high competition with high intent to buy: These are like the keywords from the high volume – low intent section except they aren't as focused on buyer pain points and thus don't convert as well. The volume of the searches will be high, but the competition is low and you won't make as much money.

So how do you find keywords like these? Here's a few ways:

-Check for keywords that have at least 10,000 searches per month with at least 10,000 offers in your niche.  This shows someone is actually selling that keyword!  You want to avoid the ones that don't seem to be used or put advertising behind them.
-Check for keywords with a lot of competition and no ads. That means they use AdWords and they're not buying traffic from Google.


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