5 ultimate graphic design mistakes - Things that graphic designers should avoid at all costs


 5 ultimate graphic design mistakes - Things that graphic designers should avoid at all costs

Every company has their own unique style, but that doesn't mean they can get away with making mistakes when it comes to graphic design. You should constantly be striving to improve and evolve your designs so you never look outdated or amateurish. Here are 5 mistakes every graphic designer should avoid at all costs:

- Focusing on specific devices
- Using too much text
- Trying to make everything more appealing
- Not using enough whitespace
- Keeping your design unoriginal and similar to others in the industry

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Thanks for reading! I look forward to your feedback.

We love feedback and suggestions so be sure to leave comments below or send them directly via email to webmaster@everypostcard.co This blog is run by me, Naomi Robertson, but I also run weekly newsletters filled with useful information every week and post regular articles as updates on the blog here as well as our website .

Thanks for reading!

Naomi Robertson

Founder of Every Postcard | Graphic designer & writer.

Loves drinking coffee and eating sushi.

Graphic design isn't something I've been doing long, but it's something I'm excited to learn more about every day. I work with a variety of clients and companies to produce high quality print media, marketing materials, logos and websites. Currently going by the name "Every Postcard" for my business, I'm working towards a point where my work can be seen on a much larger scale and have wider reach than just the local area of where I live in London, Ontario.

I'm currently a part of the Brand Portfolio @ Group 1420 digital marketing company that specializes in print design, branding and more. I'm also currently a part of the team for http://www.brandcasks.ca where I'm constantly having to design features and designs for new products and brands that are looking for an original look.

I have quite a few interests outside of graphic design, including golfing, reading, hiking, sewing and pretty much everything else you can think of that could possibly give me an excuse to pull out my camera!

Thanks for reading! We look forward to your feedback below…

*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everypostcard/

Name: Naomi Robertson

Web: http://everypostcard.co/

Email: webmaster@everypostcard.co









Posted by WordPress at 4:27 AM No comments: Links to this post Description: 5 graphic design mistakes - Things that graphic designers should avoid at all costs Every company has their own unique style, but that doesn't mean they can get away with making mistakes when it comes to graphic design. You should constantly be striving to improve and evolve your designs so you never look outdated or amateurish. Here are 5 mistakes every graphic designer should avoid at all costs: - Focusing on specific devices - Using too much text - Trying to make everything more appealing - Not using enough whitespace - Keeping your design unoriginal and similar to others in the industry If you're interested in following our blog more often, consider becoming a member of the website. Besides our regular weekly newsletter, we also release exclusive articles on a monthly basis. You can see a full list of upcoming articles here:

http://www.everypostcard.co This blog is run by me, Naomi Robertson, but I also run weekly newsletters filled with useful information every week and post regular articles as updates on the blog here as well as our website. Thanks for reading!

Naomi Robertson Founder of Every Postcard | Graphic designer & writer. Loves drinking coffee and eating sushi. Graphic design isn't something I've been doing long, but it's something i'm excited to learn more about every day. I work with a variety of clients and companies to produce high quality print media, marketing materials, logos and websites. Currently going by the name "Every Postcard" for my business, I'm working towards a point where my work can be seen on a much larger scale and have wider reach than just the local area of where I live in London, Ontario. I'm currently a part of the Brand Portfolio @ Group 1420 digital marketing company that specializes in print design, branding and more. I'm also currently a part of the team for http://www.brandcasks.ca where I'm constantly having to design features and designs for new products and brands that are looking for an original look. I have quite a few interests outside of graphic design, including golfing, reading, hiking, sewing and pretty much everything else you can think of that could possibly give me an excuse to pull out my camera! Thanks for reading! *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everypostcard/ Name: Naomi Robertson Web: http://everypostcard.co/ Email: webmaster@everypostcard.co https://www.instagram.com/everypostcard/?hl=en http://everypostcard.co/feed/ https://twitter.com/EveryPostCard_co?lang=en http://www.everypostcard.co/graphic-design-mistakes-avoiding-5/ Posted by WordPress at 4:27 AM No comments: Links to this post

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