6 Powerful Tips to Creating Testimonials That Sell Your Products Fast
In any business, testimonials are a key marketing tool that can help sell your product. Sometimes it can be a little tough to come up with them for your business though. These six tips will help you get those testimonials up faster.
1) Make sure the person is in your target audience.
2) Write great captions beneath each picture of their expression when they use the product or visit the website/store. It should reflect delight, surprise, or something that they found funny and/or relatable.
3) These testimonials should be short, sweet and powerful. They should reflect their "best side". Be sure to include a place to link back to your website or product.
4) Include a large image of them next to the testimonial.
5) Make sure you're using Facebook as your main marketing tool.
6) Go through all of your previous customer's social media posts and use those as a guide for creating new ones.
The best part about this tip is that it will help you build even more social proof of your success on the internet.
You want to build up your social proof to increase your conversion rate and get more traffic, which will lead to more profits.
Social proof is gained by getting a ton of people to talk about you on social media. This will help you create a snowball effect that will spread virally through the internet and get you a ton of new customers.
7) Send them a polite email letting them know that they may be featured in your testimonials section, typically found on the home page of your website. This is just friendly reminder so they don't forget and miss this opportunity. It's always a good idea to make sure that you reach out to your customers soon after they sign up for your mailing list.
This will help them feel special and will keep their interest in your product. And the best part is that this is a great way to build their trust with you. You want them to feel like they're important to you and that you're listening.
8) Lastly, create a page on Facebook or Google Plus where people can go and share their testimonials of how great the product is. Make sure it's something fun, short, sweet and clear.
9) After you have the testimonial section up and running, it's time to reach out to a ton of people for their testimonials.
10) Go through their friends list on any social media platform and ask them if they would be willing to post that testimonial on your website. This is probably your best bet at getting a lot of testimonials. This can be a tough sell if they don't know you though, so make sure you're honest, kind and tell them that they'll get in on a special offer whenever they post it.
Keep in mind that this won't usually work unless you have some kind of relationship with them first. If it's someone that you know and like just hit them up.
11) Reach out to a ton of people who you think would respond positively to your offer and ask if they'd be willing to post their testimonial on your website. If they don't respond, email them again and pretend that you've forgotten about the offer.
Keep in mind that the more people you ask for testimonials, the better chance that one of them will reply back.
This is not a guaranteed way to get a ton of testimonials though and there are other ways as well as time limits on some websites/social media platforms.
12) After you have a ton of testimonials and social proof, start reaching out to other websites that might be interested in talking about your product or service. Don't be afraid to share your story. The worst they could say is "no".
You have nothing to lose by trying this. Keep in mind that if a website does pick up your story, you'll want to make sure that you get on the first page of their search engine results pages as much as possible.
13) Make sure you're using it on all social media platforms.
14) Continue to add more on each social media platform. You want to keep adding posts that contain images, videos and other types of content that will help you gain more followers.
15) Add testimonials to your website frequently. You want to make sure you are showing new people and your old clients that this product is worth their time and money.
The number one thing you can do after you have one or more testimonials up is to link it to your profile on all social media sites. This is the best way for people looking at those platforms to find your product or service. This would be a perfect opportunity to create an article or post about your testimonial on each social media site as well.
16) Use Pinterest, Bing, and other search engines to build your followers on a daily basis.
17) Continue to use Facebook and Twitter to build your followers and increase the number of likes on your page.
There you have it! These are six tips to help you create more social proof of your success and make sure that you are getting in front of the most people possible.
The best part about this tip is that these testimonials will show new users that this product is worth their time and money. This will make them feel like they're getting a deal with you by using them for their own benefit instead of just handing over their hard-earned money for no reason at all.
The more social proof you have, the more likely a new customer will feel safe with their purchase.
This article was written by To Be Determined and is the property of To Be Determined . Visit the original article at: http://www.liveresellerratings.com/how-to-get-more-customer-testimonials/
To learn more about our company, visit http://www.liveresellerratings.com
How to Get More Customer Testimonials - Live Reseller Ratings Blog
How to get more sales using email marketing This blog post was written by To Be Determined and is the property of To Be Determined . Visit the original article at: http://www.
To conclude, here are some tips and tricks to help you get more customer testimonials:
1) Try to get your product or service reviewed on popular review blog sites. If you haven't gotten this done already, this would be a great time to do it now.
2) Continue to use social media to build your following. A lot of times people will follow a company because of the success others have had with that company or product. You want new people to add their voice in support of what you're doing and getting your name out there through word of mouth is one of the best ways for that to happen.