8 Golden Techniques To Get People To Love The Rules


 8 Golden Techniques To Get People To Love The Rules

We've all been in a situation where we're going out to meet some unfamiliar people and we know they have certain rules, but they haven't told us what they are. But it doesn't matter how careful you are, there's always that one moment where you'll think "Wait- is this ok?" You'll want to avoid making any faux pas and keep your interactions pleasant.

To help you navigate these tricky situations and make sure everyone has a good time without feeling awkward or judged, here are 8 Golden Techniques for getting people to love the Rules! Read on for more on each technique.

1. Tell them what you're going out to do and ask for their rules.
Getting people to agree to a certain game or activity is easier if you explain what it is exactly. It shows that you're trustworthy and that you're not trying to trick them into doing something they don't really want, like being naked in public or listening to your violin.
2. Keep your conversations focused on mutual interests and hobbies as far as possible for both parties involved (or just one of the parties involved).
You'd be surprised how many people will be fine with playing a game, but refuse to engage in one-on-one conversation about anything but the topic at hand, even if it's something they seem very interested in.
3. Ask them what their role is in the activity you're going to do.
It's fine if you're playing a game and they are the referee or something like that, but most people aren't so proud or confident to be in such a prominent position.
4. Ask them what their rules are for playing the game before it starts.
You'll get a lot more cooperation from people if you at least try to ask them before agreeing to play something that involves things like nudity or sex with strangers, so that they can see if it's okay with them beforehand.
5. Avoid talking about world issues.
When you're trying to meet people, your role is to make everyone happy and comfortable, so if someone has strong opinions or strong beliefs about things like politics or religion, avoid these topics at all costs.
6. Be short and to the point. Don't ramble on or try to explain a lot of complicated things that will bore them and make them ignore you more.
7. Invite them to your house for a game night with your friends if they want to play something more complicated with you again in the future and talk about game strategies before hand so that they can learn how the rules go together with it too!
8. In the rare occasion that a game or activity has gotten out of control and someone doesn't like it, you should stop immediately and re-assure them that you never meant to make them uncomfortable or offend them. If possible, make sure that person is comfortable with the situation first.
Now that you have these 8 techniques in your arsenal, you'll be able to approach any social situation with confidence! Read on for more articles about Social Skills Training , as well as artcles about Autism and Asperger's Syndrome .
If anyone would like to send these techniques to someone who could benefit from them, feel free!
Thanks for reading! Share this with your friends! :)
Posted by Sophia at 8:23 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a big fan of  The Mindfulness  Project. I've been looking over their website, and noticed they have guides on communication skills. I thought it would be interesting to write a guide on communication, and how to use social media in different ways. It's not a perfect guide, but at least it's something that could be useful. If anyone has any suggestions for what I should add or take away from this (or even if you disagree with some points), please feel free to let me know! http://blog.mindfulnessproject.org/communication-skills/ "The Mindfulness Project"
Thanks for reading! Share this with your friends! :)
Anonymous said...
Hello everyone, I'm going to post a blog about how to approach girls on instagram. I'm glad that someone else has posted a blog like this. First of all, it's easy to get caught up in the "Likes" and the likes of other accounts and think that you need other people's approval to start posting anything. You don't need approval from anyone! When I started putting my pictures online, I would spend the whole night planning what outfit to wear or what food I would post. I would spend so much time thinking about it that when the moment came, I didn't feel comfortable posting. So what I would recommend is going on social media and start posting right away! Don't spend so much time on it! If you find yourself spending too much time planning what to post and not enough actually posting, go out with your friends or go to a museum or whatever you like to do. You will feel more inspired by the things going on around you than how many likes you will get. If a picture is worth a 1000 words, put those thousand words into one picture! Don't just post 1000 pictures of different things, although if you really want to...it just gets boring after a while. Go on Pinterest and you'll see board after board of endless pictures. It's just not interesting! So my tip is to only post a few pictures, but make them count. Of course, you can still post other things like videos or tweets (if they are interesting!) - just don't lose sight of what you really want to do and don't feel the need to have other peoples approval. Posted by Sophia at 8:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Thanks for reading! Share this with your friends! :)
Eat Sleep Draw is an Art Therapy blog I started on Tumblr. I plan to post creative writings, photos, and drawings from different artists, writers and people from all walks of life. I started this blog because I have always been interested in the creative process, but have never really knew a lot about it. This blog is for everyone who likes art: artists, writers and anyone else who enjoys the creative process. After all, art does not belong to a particular category or group of people. Everyone should be able to appreciate art...especially if you are looking for someone to express yourself through! http://arttherapyblog.tumblr.com/ "Eat Sleep Draw"
Anonymous said...

Conclusion Of The Blood-Covered Day The Christmas Feast of human hearts
Prepared by the well-intentioned
Is everything broken, is it fresh?
They wish to console the heart that is yearning for new beginnings....
I walk through streets on a bright winter morning. I am not sure where I am going at first, but as I keep walking, I hear the sounds of whistles and hooves. The only thing left to me at this point is a sharp pain in my chest. A long time ago, when I was young and trying to be happy, a friend of mine handed me a gift wrapped in red paper. "It's for you!" she said with an exasperated laugh.

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