8 Important Elements for Small Business Web Sites


 8 Important Elements for Small Business Web Sites

If you're a small business owner, you know the importance of having a website. And while it's tempting to go with something simple and inexpensive, the truth is that without including these eight elements in your site design, you could be missing out on significant opportunities to increase your exposure and revenue.

Ready to get started? Let's dive in!

1. Hire a professional designer   2. Write quality content that demonstrates expertise and knowledge of your industry
3. Organize information into high-level topics for ease of use by visitors  4. Gather valuable information from your visitors
5. Ask visitors to join your email list  6. Provide a vertical navigation menu  7. Use sticky headers for a consistent look and feel 8. Create a blog that includes social media links
The first two elements are particularly important for making the most of your dollars and ad space on your site.  If you use a designer, make sure he or she knows how to design your website in a way that makes it easy for new customers to find what they are looking for, is responsive (be ready to update it in the future as technology changes), and uses content that informs as well as entertains visitors by appealing to their needs and interests. 
In addition, the content on your site needs to show that you know your stuff.  Your customers will be drawn to a company that helps them find solutions and provides information and products that are relevant to their interests.  If your site doesn't convey this expertise because of shoddy writing or a lack of reliable information, it's likely that visitors won't return.
In fact, research from MarketingSherpa suggests that nearly 90 percent of customers want companies to provide reliable information and advice on their website.  So make sure that high-quality content is a top priority of your site design.
If you're hiring a designer, be sure you have a chance to review their mock-ups and give feedback prior to the site going live.  You want to be sure it's exactly what you envisioned before it's published for the whole world to see.
Define high-level topics that separate your business from the competition and provide solutions for your visitors.  This will help visitors find what they are looking for more easily.  If possible, have these topic areas link to other pages so that visitors can dig deeper into areas of interest if they like. 
For example, if you sell jewelry, you might have a main topic of "Gifts & Decor" that leads to topics such as "Birthday Gifts," "Wedding Gifts," and "Anniversary Gifts."  This allows you to create blog posts that are relevant to your customers' interests.  You can then use these posts for advertising on your site or Facebook page, as well as for e-blasts and newsletters focused on your industry.
Provide a vertical navigation menu that breaks up your page so that it's easy for customers to find what they want.  The navigation menu should be organized by category or product type if possible so that the layout of the site is clean and easy to navigate.  This will make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for and also help you rank in search engines because Google favours websites with a clear, logical structure.
For example, if your jewelry store specializes in rings and necklaces, include a "Rings" menu that has links to appropriate pages (such as "Rings" and "Necklaces"), an area that shows the range of your products ("Necklaces," "Rings," or "Bracelets"), and an area that provides information about your company ("About Us," "Contact Us," or "Consulting").
The links to your high-level topics and product range should act as sticky headers—they'll remain in place as visitors scroll down, making it easy for them to find their way back to these areas of your website.  This is especially important if you have a lot of pages on your site, as it'll help your customers navigate quickly if they've come from another page or if they're looking for a specific section.
For example, let's say that you sell jewelry.  You might keep the "Necklaces" main link persistent at the top of the page so people can easily find information on that topic.  Then you can use links throughout the rest of your site to continue to guide people through your main topic.  For example, if you have a blog, have "Blog" link in the main navigation as well as featured blog posts at the top of each section.  This will help customers find what they are looking for (such as new jewelry trends) and give them an idea of what you do ("We write about trends in jewelry.").
In addition to sticky headers, use a vertical navigation menu so that customers can easily find where they want to go on your site.  Make sure it follows the general guidelines we've previously discussed , including lists and links that appear directly below the menu instead of being placed behind it.
To make navigation even easier, your menu may include links to other pages within the same section of your site.  For example, if you're writing an article about how to treat diamond rings, include links to the different rings you offer so that your customers can easily navigate back to the ring they want.
Include tabs at the top of every page that link directly to your website's main topics, especially if you have a lot of information on your site.  It's easier for customers to find what they are looking for using this method than by using a search box or scrolling through everything on your site.
If you have a lot of product pages, you can include tabs that link to specific products so customers can find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.  A tab for each product works well at the top of the page if there's room and links directly to that particular item.
If you do this, make sure to use graphics with relevant information so people know exactly where they are going when they click the tab.  For example, if your website sells jewelry, have your main image be a picture of a piece of jewelry instead of company information—this will help customers identify your site when using their social media accounts and give them an idea where they'll be going when they click on the tab.


Creating an easy-to-read website will help you attract more visitors and provide them with a better experience while they're there.  Visitors are looking for high-quality content, and if you can provide it, they'll be more likely to return.  As long as you use these tips to create a site that is clean, clear, and easy to navigate, your customers will love the experience that your site provides.

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