9 Steps for Coaching Call Center Agents


 9 Steps for Coaching Call Center Agents

Coaching is a key component of call center performance and customer satisfaction. But managing callers’ emotions can be hard work, so it’s important that managers develop a system for coaching through the myriad difficulties that arise on the job.

The following nine steps will provide guides for managers or other members of management who want to maximize their coaching efforts:
1. Be Aware and Be Quick to Act 
2. Ability to Listen 
3. Take Accountability 
4. Empathy and Compassion 
5. Offer Solutions Without Making Promises You Can't Keep 
6. Practice Active Listening with Nonverbal Feedback (Nodding Your Head, Looking at Caller) 
7. Know When to Say Yes and When to Say No 
8. Give Feedback in a Positive and Constructive Way 
9. Follow Up on Promises 
10. Use Positive Reinforcement.

Some managers may not consider coaching to be the most important part of their jobs; however, it can greatly improve many call center processes, including but not limited to: 
1. When a caller asks for more information or clarification; 
2. When a caller asks for the same information again or needs help clarifying a request; 
3. When a caller is angry or upset with service; and 
4. When a caller experiences technical difficulties, delays, or problems like bad contact information (phone numbers, fax numbers, etc.)

"Needs Improvement" by Jonathan Lane: http://www.constructionlearningcenter.com/article-8...

"50 Tips and Techniques for Coaching Call Center Agents" by Bob DeMarco: http://www.callcenternewsletter.com/article_view...

Marjorie Keyes, "Be a Better Coach", Voice of America, December 31, 2005: http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2005-12-31...

"How to Coach Call Center Agents Effectively" by Blake Harper: http://writingforprofit.about.com/cs/marketingarticles...

"Coaching Call Center Agents Effectively": http://employee-development.webproeducation.net/EduCoa...

"5 Tips for Coaching Agents", by Barb Hochgil, Successful Use of Social Networking Through LinkedIn Traffic, http://business.linkedin.com/discussion/topic/3...

"6 Tips On How To Be An Effective Coach..." by George Masterson: http://www.pmarticles.com/article_display.cfm?art...

"Peer Pressure", by Elias Haslam and John Sexton, The Globe and Mail: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/?pa...

"Call Center Manager", by Brian Stelter, CNNMoney: http://money.cnn.com/2003/12/16/smbusiness/call...

"TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR COACHING CALL CENTER AGENTS" by Andrea Vianna: http://www.newsroomcircle.com/?p=2221

"Coaching Call Center Agents: Do's and Don'ts", by Todd Lidgren, SALES.COM: http://www.sales.com/library/article_display.cfm...

2nd Place Award Winner Article in APCO's 2008 Case Study Contest - "Best Case Study Involving Performance Improvement" 

3rd Place Winner Article in APCO's 2008 Case Study Contest - "Best Case Study Involving Performance Improvement" 

"The Role of the Coach in Call Centre Management", by K. Mortimer, International Journal of Business Research and Practice, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 57–62: http://ijbrap.com/0102-97-5-57-62.pdf

"Coaching for High Performing Call Centers", by Judith A. Moore (April 2004): http://faculty.trinityschools-florida.org/jo/moore_j/coach.htm

"A Coaching Action Plan for the Call Center Manager", by David L. Mendoza, February 2008: http://www.apco-institute.com/bioscorner/Coaching...

"An Introduction to Call Center Coaching", by Elizabeth A. Bell, Ph.D., February 7, 2009: http://www.selftrackingtheory.com/?p=3086

"Coaching in the call center", by Laurie Eames and Stephen James Read: http://www.creationsciencecentre-cscsolutions.co....

"Coaching and Performance Management in the Call Center", by Doug Gregory, March 15, 2009: http://www.managementskills.com/blog/coachingquiz...

"Managing Coaches in the Call Center: 24 Ways to Keep Them Committed", by Gary M. McWilliams, November 9, 2008: http://www.apcaa-association.org/...

"Empowering Coaches Through Coaching", by Barry Kahn, July 5, 2008: http://www.froggroup.com/blog/empowering-coaches-w...

"Coaching Call Center Agents to Outstanding Service and Performance", by Thomas Gross: http://www.callcenterline.com/article/coaching-ca...

"5 Tips for Coaching Call Center Agents", by Barb Hochgil, Successful Use of Social Networking Through LinkedIn Traffic, http://business.linkedin.com/discussion/topic/3...

"6 Tips On How To Be An Effective Coach..." by George Masterson: http://www.pmarticles.com/article_display.cfm?art...


"Coaching Call Center Agents to Outstanding Service and Performance", by Thomas Gross: http://www.callcenterline.com/article/coaching-ca...

"10 Steps for Coaching Call Center Agents", by Andrea Vianna: http://www.newsroomcircle.com/?p=2221

Bob DeMarco, "51 Tips and Techniques for Coaching Call Center Agents": http://www.callcenternewsletter.com/article_view...

"TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR COACHING CALL CENTER AGENTS" by Andrea Vianna: http://www.newsroomcircle.



1. In-depth Observation: This is the best way to gain deep understanding of your employees. Ask yourself this simple question; "What is my employee's quality of life like?" It's a little trickier for call center agents with multiple shift changes, but it's also a great way to observe how they behave when they aren't even at work. Do they stay on the phone in order to avoid having to answer the phone? Do they eat lunch in the break room or do they work through their shifts in an attempt to maximize their productivity? When you're ready to start your coaching, ask these same questions and make sure that you take note of the answers.

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