A Call to Action


 A Call to Action

"We are at a precipice and need to take action. The majority of Americans are not in the top 1% of earners and yet we will be burdened with this country’s decisions. Today is election day and it's time for us to stand up for our collective future."

We want to represent the voice of the under represented, those who don’t have a seat at the table, but still pay taxes. We also want to make sure that tomorrow this country is headed in a direction that benefits all communities. It can't just be about one giant segment or there won't be anything left for anyone else."

-Raquel Reyes, Founder Trill Nation Corp.

"People have not had the opportunity to have their voices heard, so today is our opportunity."

-DeShawn Griffin, Co-founder Trill Nation Corp.

About Trill Nation Corp.
Trill Nation Corp. is a collective of individuals who want to create a space for under represented individuals to express themselves, be heard, and take action by acting in their best interests as opposed to relying on traditional leaders; who have already already made up their mind before taking in any information from the public or from any other source. We believe that with this being said there are three critical areas that need to be addressed in our society: Education, marginalized communities (i.e African Americans), and the future of America. The American Dream is an illusion because it has been limited to only being able to fulfill the desires of the few. It is time to give a voice back to its people. Trill Nation Corp. seeks to do this by joining together as one collective and working in unity, but also in accordance with their individual vision for the future and the actual needs of its members. Trill Nation Corp. is here for you and your needs.

Trill Nation Corp. Leadership Team
Raquel Reyes, Founder Raquel Reyes is a political strategist and public relations professional who has dedicated her efforts in fighting for marginalized communities since she was fifteen years old. At the age of fifteen, she and her family were victims of wrongful imprisonment. As a result of this wrongful imprisonment, she was incarcerated herself and lost her young life to a corrupt prison environment. She served two years with her father behind bars before being released on parole. While incarcerated she started to educate herself on the political climate in the United States and became a leader in the movement to put an end to mass incarceration. She started working as an intern for Congressman John Conyers (D-Michigan) after college graduation because she wanted to bring change to her community by being able to connect with others and help make their lives better through education, health care, employment opportunities, and other constructive outlets. She has worked tirelessly for the last 5 years educating herself on the political climate in the U.S. and bringing change to her community by implementing various movements that are working toward a “ more just and equitable America”. She has now aligned herself with a movement called "TIME FOR CHANGE" which is a national network of activists, based in Chicago, Chicago Public Schools, as well as city officials across the country and Mayor Rahm Emmanuel to help bring about reform within our education system and with it close the year round school crisis in CPS by May 4th
DeShawn Griffin , Co-founder DeShawn Griffin is an innovative leader with a passion for bringing change to marginalized communities through youth empowerment initiatives. He has worked to put a stop to the school-to-prison pipeline, by working with district officials and teachers to implement alternative measures for student discipline, enhancing the curriculum and providing students with opportunities for college and career training. DeShawn is also an emerging fashion designer who has recently been accepted into two prominent fashion programs: FIDM in Los Angeles, CA and The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, MA. He will be starting his studies at FIDM in October where he will be studying fashion design and product development with a focus on retail brand management. His goal is to create his own clothing line that will represent the voice of young black men who are seeking change through unity and action.
Trill Nation Corp. Stories
In the year 2004, on December 21st, Raquel and DeShawn were victims of sexual assault. They have always been aware that there are people in their community that have no voice and have been aware of the fact that they are citizens of a country who has not treated them fairly as they deserve to be treated. Because of their events, both of these individuals came together to create this movement. As a consequence to the events in 2004, Raquel lost her chance at college for an education; in an effort for her not to lose hope she eventually earned three degrees and is currently a Ph.D candidate at Northeastern and is also a member of the board as operations officer at Hope Academy Inc . DeShawn also did not go to school for a year as a consequence of his assault and because he came from a single parent home, in an effort for him to not fall through the cracks he was moved out of his community in Detroit, Michigan where he was raised and was accepted into an educational program called the "City Connect Program." This program counseled him on how to make it at another school. His experience taught him how important it is for young people of color to have positive male figures in their lives. After going through their experience, they have decided to call council and focus on issues that not only affect them but also affect other young people who are victims of sexual assault and violence.

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The #FREETRILL movement has had a lot of support from people from all over the world. Some have said that they have gained strength from the movement and hope that helps them to seek change in their communities, specifically in their local governments. Members of the #FREETRILL campaign focus on empowering young black men and women to become active in political decisions that effect their lives and communities..

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