A Phone by Any Other Name...


 A Phone by Any Other Name...

Imagine the possibilities! But what if you don't need to put pen to paper? If you don't even need a computer? If all of this is possible, then what's stopping you from becoming future-proofed and always prepared for any situation. Well, it turns out that smartphones are capable of so much more than simply making phone calls and sending text messages. In fact, they're your gateway into a variety of new technologies and services that can help improve your quality of life. So stop wondering why no one likes Apple anymore: the true culprit for its bad reputation has been fear itself. Fear of what the future may hold, fear of changing the way you do things, fear of moving forward, fear of losing out. In today's world we're so concerned with what others think about us that we can't say a word against Apple without being mocked for it. The fact is that the iPhone is an expensive phone and there are plenty of cheaper alternatives out there. Many people are perfectly content with their less expensive and less functional phones and have no need or desire to buy an iPhone. The only reason why Apple has managed to gain such a stranglehold on the smartphones market is because its underlying technology was better than anything else on offer at the time it first launched. But what about now? Now that Apple has a real competitor in the form of Samsung, isn't it time we took to our streets and shouted from the rooftops that the emperor has no clothes? That the iPhone is no longer a revolutionary product, but actually an expensive waste of money. Instead of being your future-proofed solution; future-proofing you instead?
I'm going to break it down for you and put everything into perspective. In this article, I'll be taking a look at why Apple's iPhones are overpriced, outdated and unnecessary. What you're about to read could be the breaking point, the moment at which you realize that your life can change for the better. I'm here to make you question everything you thought you knew about Apple and what it could do for you. Perhaps most importantly, I'm going to tell you how to future-proof yourself and prevent getting trapped in a technological time-warp. Don't worry though: all of this will be absolutely free so there's nothing to lose apart from your expensive iPhone!
So what are we waiting for? Let's take a look at why Apple's iPhones may not be as revolutionary as they once were, and let's start by looking at some of their more popular features.
What's That?
With feature phones becoming more and more obsolete by the day, Apple has recently focused their attention on smartphones. The iPhone is one of the most popular options available on the market today, although it's not without its flaws. Take for example that apart from making phone calls and sending text messages, it can't do much else. It doesn't even have a camera! [ARTICLE END]
The iPhone was originally designed by Jonathan Ive , Apple's chief designer who is also in charge of all hardware design and development at the company. He has his own personal collection of luxury cars but they don't have a back seat, or wheels. He has a rare disease that prevents him from experiencing the sense of touch. He doesn't believe in criticism and instead simply does his own thing. Now I'm not here to make fun of Jonathan Ive, for he is an extremely talented designer who has worked wonders for Apple over the years. But by reading into his personal life, I've come to the conclusion that he is somewhat of an eccentric character with some rather unusual beliefs and preferences. By extension, this could mean that there are some unusual messages hidden within Apple's products which have been designed by him. If you're interested in learning more about this theory then you may want to check out " The Cult of Apple .
I'm not suggesting that the iPhone is merely a tool for The Illuminati, but I am suggesting that the iPhone is a rather odd device developed by an even odder (albeit intelligent) person.
So What Can't The iPhone Do?
The short answer to this question is "a lot of things", but for the sake of simplicity let's just focus on a few things that it can't do.
It can't make phone calls (unless you have an Apple SIM card). It can't take photos or videos. It can't play music apart from iHeartRadio . It can't store any media files. It can't run any sort of computer software (apart from Apple's). It can't send email (unless you have iCloud). It can't make use of a mobile network or 3G/4G.
It also remains to be seen if the iPhone will be able to implement Siri 's new features such as " Hey, Siri " which allows your phone to respond when you say "Hey, Siri" followed by a command or question. As of now, it doesn't seem like this feature is available on the iPhone.
The iPhone Could Be The Ultimate Future-Proofed Device
If you're anything like me, the iPhone has always looked like the perfect device for you. Sure, it's fairly expensive but if you can afford one then it would be a no-brainer purchase. If only it were a little bit cheaper. So, what can you do? How can you achieve the same kind of functionality as an iPhone at a fraction of the cost? Well, your best option might actually be to get wifi instead and use Google Maps or Waze . But that's not all: there are plenty more affordable options available to further future-proof yourself and allow you to go even further with your smartphone.
When I bought my first Android smartphone in 2014, I was so excited about the future possibilities it offered. I'd be able to use a phone that could make phone calls, take pictures, record videos and store media files. Heck, there were even times when I played games on it but sadly that's no longer possible.

When you buy an iPhone you're basically locking yourself into Apple's ecosystem and unless you have an Apple SIM card, then the iPhone will only allow you to make phone calls and send text messages.
So what are we left with? Is that really it? Is the iPhone nothing more than a glorified cell phone with a massive price tag? What makes this device so much better than any other cell phone out there? For me personally, there's nothing I can do on my smartphone that I can't do on a standard cell phone apart from make phone calls.

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