A product, service or program to sell


 A product, service or program to sell

Have a product, service or program to sell? We've got the one thing you need to make your business successful. That's right, widgets. But not just any widgets- we offer the best quality widgets that money can buy on the market today.

Just think about it, wouldn't you rather have a widget that's known for being reliable and long-lasting instead of some cheap knock-off from a desperate company trying to cash in on the latest craze? It doesn't make any sense, does it? Especially when these phenomenal widgets won't break your budget and can be delivered right to your door within days.

What are you waiting for? Give us a call today.

P.S We also make an excellent vacuum cleaner, which can be delivered to your house as well! Call now!

"I can't help but notice that your listing doesn't have any pictures or a detailed description of what it is you're selling."
Here's why: _____ This stuff is boring so I hid the details with some witty humor. _____ What the customer sees when they click on my ad is what they get. _____ It's such an incredible product that my ad should sell itself! _____ My listing is so good, nobody will read it anyway. They'll just click the buy button and figure it out later.. I think you get the idea.

"I see that there are few other ads for your 'product'." _____ You people have no taste, this is a good product! _____ I bet you're all jealous of it, cause it's just so easy to sell. _____ So, I really don't need to do much advertising to make money from my 'product'.
"Why are there very few reviews?" _____ People actually read my listing and they gave me good feedback? _____ Yikes! maybe I should put in a few more details. ______ This stuff is just too good not to be reviewed.. ______ An honest review would hurt sales.. ______ I think those customers are stupid.. _____ I'm gonna start threatening people who write negative reviews. _____ I'll just cover my butt by saying I don't accept returns.. ______ This product is just too awesome for an honest review to be written.. _____ No one has ever asked for a return.. ______ My customers are stupid, or have no taste..
 "Wow, you have a lot of fraud/fake comments."  I'll just delete those as soon as they come in.  ______ That's easy enough to combat.  ______ That's the beauty of having a great product that sells itself! ..  I'll just wait for someone else to report the fraud before I do.. _____ It's 'not really my problem'..  I'm sure Google will handle it..  I'll just ask for a review from my friends, family & neighbors.
"This is obviously just a PPC scam site." .....because I said so!  ______ this product makes me money.. what more proof do you want?
______ Because my advertising budget is too high to risk on an unknown company. ______ This is a very specialized product that can only be sold at the top price point. ______ My product is over $200, but it's a good price for this kind of quality. ______ This product is exclusive and can't be found anywhere else. _____ This is a much safer investment than stock. ______ My product will make my customers money without fail. ______ You're just jealous because this stuff is awesome!
This company has a similar name to the others, but I couldn't find it... _____ It's obvious these companies are the same! ______ The one on the right isn't even real.. ______ I'm sure you can find plenty of other companies with this exact same name on Google.. ___ The first company must want me to think they're exactly like them in order to charge higher prices. _____ The real company must be very popular and well-known, to be able to afford to be a fly-by-night outfit. _____ I wasted my time researching this product.. It obviously isn't the real thing.. I'm sure you can find plenty of other companies that fit this name. _____ I think it's so obvious there's no way anyone would put their real company's name/address/phone number on a fake ad. ___ What are you talking about? This is the RIGHT company!
I found one of these, but it doesn't have an audio version... _____ You've got to be kidding.. _____ This is a scam, I can tell just by looking at it.. _____ There's no way this company has a podcast. Even if they did, you wouldn't find it on Google. _____ I don't have time to waste listening to someone with no audio skills mail me clickbait.
So far, the only content I found was here: ______ Yeah, because someone who cares enough about their product to produce and post an audio version probably has high standards for their actual product. ___ The real company has no reason to do so, but all the "good review man" companies do.. It's an obvious tactic.. _____ Why would they? It's not like they have a high-paying customer that would actually listen to their podcast and buy their product.
Huh... That's odd... _____ I wonder why there is no torrent on this page. _____ The real company must have banned the upload of it. ______ The site must be a scam or something.. Why else would this be here?
_______ Because anyone who cares enough about their product to upload a torrent of it probably doesn't care about reviews at all.. _____ I'm sure the real company also has some extremely offensive content in there, so it's not allowed on any legitimate website.
_______ The torrent I found on Google is from another company. _____ I'm pretty sure the real company doesn't want you to have a torrent because then you won't need their product anymore. ..
The reviews are hidden.. _____ This must be a scam site.. Why else would the reviews be hidden from public view? ______ This company probably got overwhelmed with negative reviews and hid them all to make themselves look like they actually care about their customers. ______ If I'm looking for an honest review, I don't go to sites that hide the reviews.. ______ It's obvious no one cares enough about this product to leave a review of it.. _____ Because if they did, I'd find it. ______ If this product really was this good, there would be more reviews than 1 star.
The feedback is hidden.. _____ Oh no.. I'm sure this is a scam company! _____ This company must be offering the best customer service on the entire web! _____ If they offer to hide the reviews on their site then that must mean they want you to buy from them! Don't hesitate.. Their customer service is too awesome to pass up!
_______ An honest review would hurt sales.. _______ Bad reviews make people stop looking at my product listing and decide not to buy it.

These are just some of the many tactics I've encountered with advertising companies. Even though these are fake reviews, they can be very deceptive. Some of these companies use a combination of fake reviews (as well as other marketing tactics) to get your confidence, and in some cases you might think this is a real product because it looks what you expect it to look like. But if you choose to buy, the experience you have will probably be much less than what was advertised. These illusions can even make the product seem completely different or worse than what it really is when you come around and realize that the company isn't even a legitimate business that cares about its customers or their products. There's something else to consider here..

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