Advertising Defined, What's It Good For And How An Online Campaign Can Really Save You Big Bucks


 Advertising Defined, What's It Good For And How An Online Campaign Can Really Save You Big Bucks

Advertising is defined as the act of selling goods or services by an identified sponsor. This post will discuss how advertising can help you save money online, and answer some basic questions about what advertising is and why it exists at all.

There are two ways to advertise outside of using word-of-mouth: offline advertising and online advertising. Offline ads usually appear on billboards in major cities, TV commercials, print ads in newspapers or magazines, or even door-to-door salesman. Online ads can appear on websites, in blogs, in the Google search box, or on websites hosted by third party websites such as Yahoo! and eBay.

"Before we get into what advertising is and how does it work, let's just look at a few examples of how different companies have used advertising to gain profit from their customers.

Chevron is a large oil company that uses outdoor outdoor advertisements to market its brand. If you look at the picture above, you'll notice that most of the billboards feature Chevron's logo with yellow text in large font saying things like "The way to better gasoline. Cleaner air. Safer world" or "Chevron: Power in the Earth."

The strategy of using advertising to sell your brand is commonly referred to as "brand advertising" or "advertising by example". This is when a company uses an advertisement to show its customers what the product or service is all about.

This strategy is commonly used by companies such as Citibank, General Motors, Apple, and Coca-Cola. They all use advertisements on television and radio to tell their customers about their products. The purpose of this particular advertisement is to make a connection between a product and its companies name, in order for the customer to trust it more. Once the customer trusts the company and its product, he or she is more likely to purchase it again.

Next let's look at a second example of online advertising, this time from This website contains classified adverts from local companies and individuals who are selling goods and services in their local areas. The purpose of these ads is similar to the one above, which is to make people aware that a certain business or service exists in their local area so that they may contact them if they require said service or product.

So then what's advertising good for? Let's look at two examples. First, an online auction site such as has used online advertising to make itself more accessible to the public. In order to make itself more accessible, they create a website specifically for the public, so that they may contact them if they require either services or merchandise. They also use advertisements on their website to ensure that their name is well-known. If people are interested in buying and selling goods on eBay, they should be able to find it easily with Yahoo! search engine and the eBay search box above their ads section. Another way that high-quality advertisements can be used to make your website more popular is by utilizing them to encourage people to come and visit you. The best way to do this is by using a clear cut, attractive header in your website which will draw people's attention. This will ensure that they are more likely to stop by and take a look around, so you may benefit from it as well.

So now that we know what advertising is, how does it work? Basically there are two different types of advertising: the "awareness" type, and the "involvement" type. We'll first look at the awareness advertisements.

Definitions: Awareness advertising is when a company advertises someone's product or service that doesn't really need to be advertised, unless it has some sort of purpose for being advertised. This may happen when a company wants to increase the demand for their product and/or services so that they will make more money. An example of this would be when McDonalds wants you to buy their Double Cheeseburger instead of just one piece. Another example could be when they want you to buy McDonalds' Chicken McNuggets, instead of just buying one piece of chicken and adding it on your own.

Benefits: the benefits of awareness advertising come from having a large customer base. If your product or service is common and not exclusive, then you will have many people purchasing it or using it. The more people that purchase your product, the more revenue that you will accumulate over time.

Now let's look at involvement advertising:

Definitions: Involvement advertising is when companies are trying to convince their customers to buy a certain product or service by using its benefit to their advantage. The best example of this is McDonalds' "Super Size Me" campaign where they tried to convince their customers to get the Super-Size option on a meal by claiming that they could save money on overall calories if they did so.

Benefits: the benefits of involvement advertising come from the customer. If a customer believes that your product or service has something unique to offer and will benefit him or her in some way, then he or she is more likely to buy it from you. In the case of McDonalds, since they offered a meal deal that included extra food, it was less expensive than if someone were to go and buy what he or she wanted separately. Not only would their food be cheaper, but you would have saved time by not having to go through the long line again.

You should now have a much better understanding as to what advertising is and how does it work. I hope that you will read this article again in future, as it's meant to be reviewed. If you have any questions or comments on anything in the article, feel free to ask them below by using the comment box at the bottom of this page or on one of my other articles.

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Tags: eBay, Online Advertising, Yahooty Ads and blogads

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