Advertising Options - and the winner is?


 Advertising Options - and the winner is?

"He has a very clean and tidy look."

"I'm looking for someone with a more bohemian style."
A pair of job candidates are standing in front of an interviewer. Though they have excellent qualifications, the interviewer is trying to decide between them because their styles are so different. What should he do? If you're in this situation, you're not alone — this question comes up all the time! In fact, it may be your company's next big hiring decision. The good news is that there's a perfect way to find out which candidate will give your business the most for its money: advertising options! Let us introduce you to these companies – and the winner is...

1. Traditional Media

When you think of advertising, perhaps the first example that comes to mind is a newspaper or magazine ad, but these aren't necessarily your only option – traditional media includes radio and TV as well. A "print" ad spreads the word in your local region while a radio spot is just going out to people who can hear it. When you advertise on TV, the whole world gets to see your commercial! However, all of these methods are subject to the old saying "you get what you pay for." You'll get better results with higher investment, so if you're trying to decide between two excellent candidates, go with option 2. Let's hear about our next contender...

2. Strategically Placed Online Ads

Any ad that's not in a newspaper or magazine falls under this category. While a media campaign will reach people who happen to be in your local area, strategically-placed online ads will reach people who are actively looking for candidates like you – thank the internet! That means any ads on sites like LinkedIn, Monster, and Career Builder. Let's try another example: two friends post about their job search on LinkedIn, and one friend gets her job with the help of strategically-placed online ads while the other friend doesn't. Which friend should she expect to see becoming an employee of her company? It's obvious – the friend who got hired from LinkedIn! Think about it: if you can't recruit candidates online, what good are your online ads?

3. Integrate Online Advertising into Your Marketing Strategy

If you're a small business that doesn't have much money to invest, or if you're an employer that doesn't want all the hassle of hiring, a third option is right for you. Instead of spending your efforts and money on flashy ads that get few applicants – like celebrity endorsements on TV or print media spots – use targeted recruitment tools like LinkedIn Recruiter. Using this tool, you can target potential candidates and send them just the kind of job ad that will get their attention. If a particular candidate responds (or if they're already interviewing at another company), you can be waiting for your next hire!

The winner of this battle is obvious – it's all about the money! The best way to find out which candidate costs you less is to find out what a "digital media budget" is for your business. If this is something you ask on an interview or during a job fair, the candidate won't complain about it. Then call up your current employees and ask who they think would work the best with their skill sets and abilities. Then you can make a choice!

Catch More Fish with a Bigger Net!

If you've got a job opening and want to find the best candidate for the job, try advertising options! Total Access Resumes is here to help your company grow. Call 404-827-1250 today and let's discuss your advertising options! We're happy to answer any questions you may have. [ARTICLE END]

Hire Faster, Cost Less with TAR's Online Recruitment Tools: LinkedIn Recruiter, Career Builder Integration and Career Page Advertising. Read more here:

Source: Job search expert and speaker, Brian Krueger is the Founder and CEO of Total Access Resumes.

Brian manages a team of more than 60 professionals across 12 US time zones. His mission is to help job seekers find employment faster, increase their salary and change careers for the better. Social Media Manager: Twitter – @kruegerbiz; Linkedin – ; Google+ –; Facebook - https://www.totalaccessresumes.comEmail:

To get personalized Job Search Tips, Job Fairs and Interview Tips for the stages of your job search, visit Total Access Resumes blog:

This post is brought to you by Total Access Resumes. We are the #1 professional resume writing service in the country. We provide personal career coaching and professional resume writing services to job seekers around the world. Over 64,000 clients have used our top rated, professional resume and cv writing services. Our staff of certified professionals has over 100 years of combined experience and all of our work is guaranteed. For more information on Total Access Resumes' award-winning resume writing services, call us toll-free at 1-855-817-7177 or visit us on social media!

Download this article as PDF: How to Choose the Right Candidate for Your Business - Advertising Options – and The Winner Is?

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Tags : advertising options, choosing the right candidate for your business, choosing the right candidate for your business advertising options, choosing the right candidate for your business

Posted by: Sarah Mathers on 08:14:00 PM

All Comments (1) : 1/4/2011 5:15:27 AM Mumm... is this article straight up BS? All I read up until now was blah blah blah marketing blah blah.... but now I see "marketing" as a verb?? Is this something that doesn't have to be said, or am I misreading? Got a few minutes to read it though, so it will probably help in some way.

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Posted by: Steve Smith on 08:14:44 PM [ View this email in full ] | [ Add to your Reader's Digest Bookmarks ] | [ Reply ] Recently, I attended a seminar to learn about getting a Commercial Deal with a national company for my business. The presenter talked about marketing and how he spends 5% of his time marketing his business. This caught my attention, so I asked if he had proof of this spending and if he could share it with us audience members, as well as me personally.

Conclusion: Marketing Spend Message ...

In response to Steve's request, the presenter shared a PowerPoint presentation containing the following information:

$5,000 in advertising

$36,000 in sales revenue for 2010.

$1.70 per hour spent on advertising and promotion.

I have titled this article "The Winner is", because he provided me with evidence that he spends 5% of his time marketing his business. He also explained how advertising dollars have resulted in $36,000 in sales revenue for 2010, as well as $1.70 per hour spent on advertising and promotion.(I bolded the important part.

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