Advertising Temptations & How Small Businesses Can Handle Them


 Advertising Temptations & How Small Businesses Can Handle Them

Sometimes it's hard to resist advertising. We're surrounded by it, in a thousand different forms, and are also tempted to purchase products via texts or e-mails or apps that have come up with clever ways of luring us. But the thing is, these advertisements can be a big waste of your time and money. Small businesses need to learn how not to fall victim to the best marketing techniques companies have come up with on their behalf (and some of these are downright shady), so they can stay focused on what really matters: running their business. These are some of the slickest marketing ploys out there, and they'll turn you into a victim of advertising hell!

Today's small business owners need to be better educated about the marketing techniques being used. One of the best ways to educate them is with a guidebook on the subjects that are most likely to impact their business and how they can survive and thrive in these changing times. But beware, because many of these techniques can be downright insidious, so it pays to know what's going on in this shady world.

Door-to-Door Marketing

The door to door marketing ploy is one of the oldest tricks in the book. But in a competitive world, it's still as effective as ever. Door to door advertising is a way for people to listen in on your conversations and get an idea about what you're talking about. Sometimes they can even drop off business cards or other information for you that might interest you, but then again sometimes this is just their way of getting past the front gate so they can get a better look at your house.

Sometimes people who do this are simply looking for a way to make some money, by getting you to sign up for some kind of service or product. Many people have had negative experiences with the way door-to-door marketing is used. In fact, it can sometimes feel like dishonest and deceptive practices are being used against you – especially if you weren't expecting them in the first place!

If you're worried about having one of these annoying intruders come to your home, there's a few things you can do. First off, make sure you're home when someone comes to your door. A simple "no thanks" if you're not there will probably allow them to move on without having to explain how they got in. If they insist that they have a legitimate reason for wanting to come onto your property, it might be best to be suspicious from the start and ask them what it is. Before allowing them in, make sure you check to see if this is something that's being done on a large scale, and that you have no reason to believe they may be targeting your home for some kind of scam.

As for the people who are out door to door, it doesn't hurt to be suspicious of someone who has a notepad or paper and pen with them, as well as some sort of clipboard or other tool they'll need to hold while they're trying to convince you do their thing. You can also try asking them how they found out where you live.

Many of these scammers don't mind lying or baiting you into thinking they're legitimate, because they know that the ones who fall for the bait are usually easy marks. If anyone tries to come onto your property in this way, be sure to immediately contact your local police department and file a report.

Sending Ads by Text

Another common form of advertising is the one that happens via text. Ads that pop up on your phone with a mysterious message like "hey! what's up?" might not be too bad, since it's pretty harmless. So, it's not really an illegal practice per say – but it may be using pop-up windows instead of text messages to get your attention.

The problem with this is that while you might be able to get away with it on your phone, you're probably not going to get away with it on your business's website. If the pop-up advertisement shows up on a company's website, then this could constitute as advertising without having a consent from the consumer. And if it is advertising, then the small business might want to consider switching over to a different method of marketing – something like sms marketing is one way of getting around this problem.

Suspicious Text Messages

One thing that can be really frustrating about text marketing deals with people who take advantage of you by sending out messages that seem suspicious in some way or another. For example, if someone sends you a text that says something like "Hey! let's meet up tonight' and asks you on a date, you can be pretty sure they don't have your best interests at heart.

Another thing to watch out for is when people start texting you only when they feel like it. This might not seem like it's going to be too big of a deal, but when this practice is done over a long period of time, it could tell you something about their character. If they're not around to respond to your messages when they get them, or if the texts are always short and abrupt, then this is probably another bad sign. When it comes to texting, try to keep short, sweet and to the point.

A lot of people will do this because they think it can be more effective than sending a text to all of their friends on Facebook or Twitter, but sometimes this is just a way for them to get you into the long arm of their tentacles.

One last thing – don't ever respond to texts from someone who doesn't give their name when they message you. This is against some standards and regulations that are in place for the purpose of protecting people from scammers. If you're trying to get out of something, then one good way is by declining an offer that may not be as appealing as it appears in the moment.


There you have it! Hopefully now you have a good idea of what's going on, and also what to watch out for. If you spot anything suspicious, or if someone is trying to scam you or your business, keep your eyes and ears open. And just remember – the best way to combat these tactics is not to let them fool you in the first place. These thieves will often do their best to sell themselves as legitimate when it comes to online marketing campaigns and technology. They'll know exactly how to use those tools for good things when it's most convenient for them – but once they have your trust, they'll do whatever it takes to put a wrench in your wheels and make some quick cash before moving on.

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