Against All Odds -Tips On How To Protect Your Assets


 Against All Odds -Tips On How To Protect Your Assets

The odds are not in your favor when it comes to protecting your assets. If they were, we would all be millionaires. There is a plethora of possible scenarios and risks that may put you in a position where you will need to protect the assets that you have worked so hard for over the years.

Below are five tips on how to protect your assets: 1) Never borrow against an asset, 2) Never put all of your eggs in one basket, 3) Don’t go into more debt than what you can afford and 4) Invest wisely 5) Have emergency funds set aside just in case. 

"The best way to avoid getting overwhelmed by information is to be selective about what we read. The more important issues, the more they tend to stand out. The best way to protect yourself is to become the expert on as few facts as possible. Selecting what you believe to be true from sources that you trust, that have some common core values, is also a very effective way to protect yourself and minimize your risk"

This quote by John Taylor Gatto was one of the only things I found in my search for information about how to protect your assets. I had been searching for information on how best to keep everything together and the things that I wrote above was something that came up again and again in different discussions with people on how they were keeping their assets together and protecting them. 

I began to think about how I could protect my assets, aside from the obvious of being smart about investments, debt and keeping an emergency fund. What else could I do?

Here are a few things that I came up with: 1) Don’t procrastinate. If you find yourself procrastinating on important tasks, it is probably because the problem you are facing is more than you can handle at present. See a professional for advice. 2) Keep your home not just in your name but also in your spouse’s name. If you have decided that your spouse should be on the deed, then do it. 3) Have a will. 4) Get some professional advice from a financial advisor to look over your budget and possibly get you on track if you are behind in savings or debt payments. 5) Keep a log of what is happening in your life. Looking back at the past can help us predict where we will be going in the future. What we do not want to happen is to be blindsided by something that is right around the corner. 6) A final thought on protecting yourself: If something has been left unsaid, it might end up hurting you more than if you had said it right then and there.

"If you want wisdom, ask for advice” -William Shakespeare

How do I know if I have too much debt?
What can I do if my spouse is being irresponsible with the finances? 
Where can I find a good financial advisor in my area? 

Generally speaking, you will want to avoid borrowing money on credit cards or using any other method that is not absolutely necessary. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you are paying your credit card in full and on time so that the rate is not too high for your budget and you have a good credit score, then there is a very small chance that you can pay off some debt over time with the help of your credit card. In some cases, it will be wise to use a secured card which can help keep your balance lower than it would otherwise be.

According to article titled “How To Pay Off Debt Faster”, there are several other options for people who need to do this such as:
· Using gift cards. 
· Making payments on a credit card that has a lower interest rate. 
· Making multiple payments. 
· Requesting an additional line of credit. 
· Getting a second job to pay off debt faster. 
· Paying the minimum payment on everything but the highest interest rate debt and using your money to pay off the other debts with higher interest rates.(this is called “snowball method”) 
· Paying off debts in reverse order of their age (also known as the avalanche method). This will allow you to get rid of your debt more quickly because you will be paying off more recent debts first, therefore, you will be able to save more money in case unforeseen problems occur.

The subheading for this article is titled “5 Steps to Pay Off Debt Faster”. This is a step by step guide on how to determine which debts to pay off, what order you will pay them in and the best time of year to start doing this.

Before you engage in a new financial plan, it is important for you to consider the allocated assets that you have, your budget and the future goals that you have. How will your financial plan affect these things? It is important that your savings, investments and spending be thought through carefully before any changes are made in these areas or they may pull or alter the relationships between these things.

This article titled “How To Budget” provides some tips on how to do this. For example, the author recommends that you include worksheets that are solely for tracking financial information in your budget, as well as a monthly budget sheet and a quarterly statement.

There are many different situations that can occur where you find that you have been faced in a tough situation. When it comes to money, it is important to be able to handle these things in order to protect yourself from potential problems.

This article titled “Financial Planning: How To Handle Difficult Situations” provides some useful information on how to handle difficult situations in your finances. It also discusses the potential consequences of these difficult situations.

Some things you should consider are: First, if your job is unstable and you need to look for another job, will it take up a certain amount of time? Second; will your new job affect your retirement planning goals? Third; what do you do if you have had a car accident or an injury?

"The successful man is the man who can act when it is most advantageous — When he knows what he wants and goes after it resolved in purpose." -John D.


Many people do not know where to begin when it comes to planning their finances. Because of the complexity of this subject, it is best that you seek the advice of a professional who can guide you through this process. If you would like more information on planning your finances and how to go about doing so, please visit the following website:

"If money is your hope for independence, than be careful lest you become a dependent." -Cecil B.

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