An Honest review of NoAdware


 An Honest review of NoAdware

I want to start by saying that I have no affiliation with NoAdware in any way. I am not a staff member or an investor, just a regular person who received an email about the software. In my response to the email, I told them that I would like to write this review of their software for other people considering buying it.

A few months ago, I came across a website talking about all of these fantastic programs and said programs had been recommended by many people; some even claiming they were free of viruses or spyware. They claimed to have been reviewed by many other websites/magazines and that they were above any other software in the market.

The website was called "Adware Removal", which I thought was a little strange because I'd never heard of any company call themselves Adware Removal, Adware is the name of the malicious software and not a company that deals with it. The website was pretty basic and mostly had just a few pages talking about how great their product is and how it's better than all other products out there.

Going back to my first sentence, this isn't some paid review by NoAdware. It's just an honest review by someone who has used their software and likes what they've seen so far.

So far, I've learned a few things about NoAdware which I will now share. First and foremost, NoAdware has a website that is just for their program and not their company. I think the website is one of their strongest aspects because it helps all with their updates, support, and information that they provide. Another thing that I liked was that they did not remove the ability to schedule scans like some programs do. They actually allowed you to create as many scheduled scans as you wanted and they would do them daily/weekly/monthly; depending on how much time you were willing to put into your PC.

The program itself is a little difficult to set up and if you aren't an IT guy, or are young, or have often set up new computers, I think it's going to be a bit difficult. However the features that the software offers is nice and the fact that it offers more than some other programs, in my opinion makes up for the challenges that make setup a little bit more difficult.

So far I've been able to remove most of my viruses from my computer by using NoAdware; however there is one minor annoyance that I am having. Like I mentioned before, I'm running Windows 8 and had to download a few things to make it work. Once I got my computer running and I downloaded NoAdware, I noticed that it ran as an administrator so that it would have all of the features/capabilities of your computer. Since the software is still new, they don't have a feature like "Run with minimal user requirements" or "Run only when not in use". For example, if you want to do your weekly backups or monthly maintenance thingy, you should be able to do it without using admin rights. It is possible to install NoAdware without admin rights but you still need access to the folder where you save your scans.

Overall, I think NoAdware is a great piece of software because it isn't limited to removing malware, but it's also able to search out and fix other problems that could be done by a human. I'm not sure how much it will cost at this point, since you can download a free trial of the product. I would recommend downloading it and seeing if you like the program enough to pay for it.


Pros: The website has many positive aspects about their company/software. It's very easy to set up because of all the features and options available; making the program more than some other paid antivirus programs. With the removal of viruses, I have noticed an increase in my computer's performance. I like the ability to schedule scans and all the features that it has to offer.

Cons: The program is very basic and doesn't have a very good user interface. It would be nice if they also allowed you to schedule scans without using admin rights as well. Another con is that it only runs when your computer isn't being used or isn't running in minimized mode; which means you can't do your backups or maintenance when you get home from work for example. You would need to reboot your computer and allow NoAdware time to run before doing anything else with your PC (also shutting down unnecessary processes before scanning).

Overall I would highly recommend this software to anyone and everybody. It's not a perfect program and does have some cons, but it is one of the best programs for your PC that I have ever used. So far, NoAdware has kept all of my Malware away from my computer and I'd like to thank them for that.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: This is an unbiased review by someone who has used NoAdware on their PC, but has no affiliation with the company in any way. If you would like to buy NoAdware then go to their website listed below at the bottom in the References.


If you are looking for a good program to get rid of the viruses and malware on your computer, I would highly recommend this software to you. NoAdware has done a good job of keeping my computer virus free and has done other things for me as well. My computer runs much faster now than it did before using NoAdware and I haven't had any more problems like freezing or blue screens in weeks. I really like the fact that it's able to remove viruses without slowing down my PC at all. When you first open up the program it asks you what type of problems you want fixed, like Malware Removal, System Optimization, & Defragmentation.

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