Angry customers - what can we do with them


 Angry customers - what can we do with them

It's not uncommon nowadays to get angry customers - we all get the occasional complaint about our service or product. It can be a real threat to customer satisfaction; so what can you do about it?

We’ve compiled a list of 5 tips that you can use to deal with their anger and ensure they come back for more.

1. Believe them
Before you pick up the phone and complain, try to find out if there's a rational reason why they'd be angry. Research shows that human beings are far more forgiving when they're treated with respect rather than when the person before them is rude or cross. If you can demonstrate a commitment to treating every single customer with respect and courtesy, this is likely to go some way towards reducing your customer's in-store complaints.

2. Listen to them
When a customer gets angry, it's important to take the time to understand their concerns and make sure you're listening to their point of view. Often times, customers are expecting a certain level of service or product from you and will assume that you don't care if they've been treated poorly. Showing that you care is said to be key in moving the complaint forward, so if your customer wants an explanation on why something has happened or the point of their complaint, make sure you listen.

3. Apologise
When a customer is angry, the number one emotion that they feel is that they've been let down. A simple apology can go a long way to helping them get over their anger and will also make sure that you can sort out any problems quicker and easier.

4. Do what they ask
An angry customer won't want to be told “no”, so if they've asked for something and you're not in a position to do it, try to find any alternative or solution that will work for them. It's far better for the customer to feel like their complaint has been listened to rather than standing your ground dismissively on the phone or in person.

5. Don't be upset
Sometimes, customers may feel that you're being rude or are being difficult but it's important to remember that they're angry. Try to not take it personally. Instead, if you know you will have another job to do later on in the day, take the time to calm down and ask if there's anything else that you can do for them.

If the customer is still angry, try asking them when they'd like to return their products as there's a chance that this will help them move on with their anger sooner and make future purchases at your store when they are able.

Mark Roberts is a web developer and writer with over 20 years experience working in IT. He specialises in web publishing, business intelligence and management tools. Mark is the author of Web publishing tips from Search Engine Watch.

Mark has been featured on numerous industry blogs including Digital SEO Blog, SEOBook, Moz Pro and Feedbin.

Mark has also appeared on TV in Australia where he's interviewed by Matt Whitehouse on The Business of Innovation. You can find more about Mark at or follow him on Twitter @markroberts_io .

In this blog post we provide 3 tips for how to deal with angry customers: Believe them , Listen to them and do what they ask.

1. Believe them
Before you pick up the phone and complain, try to find out if there's a rational reason why they'd be angry. Research shows that human beings are far more forgiving when they're treated with respect rather than when the person before them is rude or cross. If you can demonstrate a commitment to treating every single customer with respect and courtesy, this is likely to go some way towards reducing your customer's in-store complaints.

2. Listen to them
When a customer gets angry, it's important to take the time to understand their concerns and make sure you're listening to their point of view. Often times, customers are expecting a certain level of service or product from you and will assume that you don't care if they've been treated poorly. Showing that you care is said to be key in moving the complaint forward, so if your customer wants an explanation on why something has happened or the point of their complaint, make sure you listen.

3. Apologise
When a customer is angry, the number one emotion that they feel is that they've been let down. A simple apology can go a long way to helping them get over their anger and will also make sure that you can sort out any problems quicker and easier.

4. Do what they ask
An angry customer won't want to be told “no”, so if they've asked for something and you're not in a position to do it, try to find any alternative or solution that will work for them. It's far better for the customer to feel like their complaint has been listened to rather than standing your ground dismissively on the phone or in person.

5. Don't be upset
Sometimes, customers may feel that you're being rude or are being difficult but it's important to remember that they're angry. Try to not take it personally. Instead, if you know you will have another job to do later on in the day, take the time to calm down and ask if there's anything else that you can do for them.

If the customer is still angry, try asking them when they'd like to return their products as there's a chance that this will help them move on with their anger sooner and make future purchases at your store when they are able.

Mark Roberts is a web developer and writer with over 20 years experience working in IT. He specialises in web publishing, business intelligence and management tools. Mark is the author of Web publishing tips from Search Engine Watch.

Mark has been featured on numerous industry blogs including Digital SEO Blog, SEOBook, Moz Pro and Feedbin.

Mark has also appeared on TV in Australia where he's interviewed by Matt Whitehouse on The Business of Innovation. You can find more about Mark at or follow him on Twitter @markroberts_io .

In this blog post we provide 3 tips for how to deal with angry customers: Believe them , Listen to them and do what they ask.

1. Believe them
Before you pick up the phone and complain, try to find out if there's a rational reason why they'd be angry.


How to Dealing with a customer who is angry.

We all know that sometimes you'll get angry customers, however it's important that when you do that you keep in mind how important the customer needs to feel about their business.

In this blog post we provide 3 tips for how to deal with angry customers: Believe them , Listen to them and do what they ask.

1. Believe them Before you pick up the phone and complain, try to find out if there's a rational reason why they'd be angry. Research shows that human beings are far more forgiving when they're treated with respect rather than when the person before them is rude or cross.

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