Anticipation Of My First Sale


 Anticipation Of My First Sale

I'm currently focusing on writing for several different websites and blogs. I've always been told that my words can inspire, motivate, empower, or change someone's life in a positive way. Yes, they do! But also they can get annoying to read over and over again. It was almost like a sweet torture whenever I'd write something so good that it would be guaranteed to make the world a better place by the end of it. You don't know how long you'll have to wait before your submission hits the front page; you might even be waiting weeks or months. That was until I actually submitted a post and it only took a few minutes to be approved. It felt like Christmas had come early for me. I thought about emailing the owner of the blog and thanking him for checking out my submission but there's no need to thank anyone for doing something good. So instead, I'll just talk about how awesome it is that people out there are listening to you AND making money off of it!
The first time I made a sale from writing was probably around 8 months ago. However, this is the first time I've made a sale on an article that is my original content. Everything else was just words that were moving through the internet, not selling anything or getting any real attention. So I'm very proud that this article is selling and getting the attention it deserves. I don't write for the money (not yet anyway) but it's nice that it's there. It makes me want to write more articles and submit more posts just because I know that they can attract attention and make other people some money while they're at it.
This site is great because you earn $0.50 whenever a visitor views anyone of your ads or $0.10 every time someone views one of your articles or videos (with an option to earn up to 10% per sale). But the best thing is that it's incredibly easy to earn money with AdSense.
You don't have to be a pro at writing in order to succeed with AdSense. What's great is a post can be as simple as "I just wanted to say that..." or as long and detailed as "I've decided to share this article with all of you because...". Yes, you can use this website for free but there are others that pay more for higher quality articles. That's what I like about AdSense because it gives you very little limits on what type of content (as long as your posts are not overtly porn or illegal) you can submit or what kind of ads you can put on them. You can even go as far as making a blog that is filled to the brim with ads and still make money.
Allow me to show you how easy it is to earn $0.10 per click through your AdSense ads on this website:
Article Title: $0.10 - $1.00 Per Click Through Your AdSense Ads
I know many people are probably skeptical of something like this, but I'm not going to mention it anywhere else because I don't want anyone thinking that you have to be some genius or know up-front how much an article will sell for in order to succeed with AdSense. Anyone can earn $1.00 or more per click!
You can get started with absolutely no cost to you at all. I have a premium membership because the site offers so much valuable information and it's free to join, but you don't have to pay in order to succeed. (But it's cool if you do.)
"But where do I start?" No problem! This website has a complete site builder that helps you get started in no time at all. It has tools that make it very easy for you to make your own "mini sites. These mini sites are where you put your ads and articles. It's also where you can get started to add videos, links, images, and some other cool features that are available to you right off the bat.
All of these mini sites can link back to your main site in order to get ranked higher on the search engines. You can build as many mini sites as you'd like ! There is no limit!
If you want to make more money then I suggest you go premium because the free membership only allows a limited amount of links per day (that gets reset at midnight). This limits how many mini sites you can build daily and in turn limits how much money you will make per day. If you want to upload an image and then link directly to a 1000 different pages from your article, that's cool, but the good stuff is only going to be seen by people who google "my first website", not by search engines. I hope you have as much fun as I'm having while writing this blog. It's amazing that I've already made a sale with this post and no one has ever even heard of me before. But at least now they will know my name and hopefully purchase something from my site because of it.
Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone!
This site was created in order for those interested in making money online to easily build their own sites right within their web browser without any technical knowledge or programming skills needed. We are all wired to do exactly what we are told. We all naturally like to do what makes us feel better. So the second we get a chance, we will click on a link in an email or read something online and we'll drop everything and spend our days doing it. But if there's no apparent payoff, then why would anyone bother doing it?
I know how many of you are thinking right now: "but I just don't have any free time..." Don't even worry about that right now. Let's just get your site up and running and then we can worry about adding content to it later. It's easy to do if you have some passion for what you are doing. Whether that is writing, singing, painting; whatever you're good at. Let's use it to make money online.
I know many of you are busy with work, school, or taking care of your kids but I've got just the idea for website builder for you: . This website is 100% free and it's very easy to use. It has ways to make money that include:  - Google AdSense (Earn Money From Your Blogs/Websites)  - MyAdsenseAds (Get Paid To Promote Your Websites)  - Affiliate Marketing (Make Money With Other People's Sales)
I know you think you have no talents or skills and therefore no way to earn money but that couldn't be farther from the truth. You DO have a talent or hobby! Maybe you love art, maybe you hate it.

You can earn money while you sleep! This is a 100% free website that you can access right inside your web browser. It's very easy to use and will give you the same results as Blogger, WordPress, or any other site builder. (The only difference is that this site is 100% free to use.)
This website was created in order for those interested in making money online to easily build their own sites right within their web browser without any technical knowledge or programming skills needed. We are all wired to do exactly what we are told. We all naturally like to do what makes us feel better.

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