Appraisals: Learn How To Love Them
If you're like most people, you don't make an effort to learn about your jewelry and other treasured items. Why is that? Well, because most of the time it's not really necessary. Unless you plan on selling them or have been injured in a car accident and need to file an insurance claim, then chances are that you're guessing as to what they might be worth.
This is human nature. And it's very common. However, when you are informed about your valuables and what they may be worth according to a professional, then you can rest assured that they aren't worth less than you thought they were.
If you were ever interested in learning more about the value of your jewelry or other items, then we are here to help. We are an appraisal company that has been serving the San Fernando Valley for more than twenty years and have helped countless individuals with their appraisals over the years.
If you live in the San Fernando Valley , then it would be very wise for you to contact us today for a free appraisal and consultation with one of our certified appraisers.
When you come in to meet with us, we will have you fill out a short form that will include the description of your valuables as well as your contact information. Once this form is completed, our appraiser will do the rest and complete a full appraisal for you. Our appraisers know their stuff and they'll happily tell you everything that they know about your items when they are done.
You should also know that an appraisal can work in your favor if you ever need to file an insurance claim. The right kind of appraisal can mean a lot when it comes to damages and the monetary amount that you are awarded.
If you ever have questions or concerns, then don't hesitate to contact us today. We're here to help and will be glad to answer any questions that you might have.
Give us a call at: (818) 565-0500 or email us at:
You can also visit our website at: .
You'll be glad that you did!
We look forward to hearing from you! [ARTICLE END]
Pricing Guidelines for Jewelry Appraisals
Jewelry is a very personal and intimate item, which is why it's so important to choose an appraiser who has training and experience in the jewelry industry. Many people think that the value of a piece of jewelry can be determined simply by what it cost when it was first purchased, but this is not always the case. The value of an appraiser lies in being able to not only identify what an item is made from, but also who might have made it and if it is authentic. In fact, the piece's history is often a major determining factor in the value. According to industry standards, there are five main factors that affect the price of jewelry:
1. Gold or Platinum Content
The most valuable metal content in a piece of jewelry is gold or platinum. Even if an item is not made from one of these metals, it can still be worth quite a bit if it has been crafted out of an alloy mixture with gold or platinum included. Naturally, items that contain only gold or platinum will be worth more than those containing only silver (which has little intrinsic value). Another important point to consider is how pure and solid the piece is as well as how heavy the weight is. This is important because it will allow you to extrapolate how much gold or platinum may be in the piece.
2. The Size and Shape of the Piece
The size and shape of jewelry is also a factor since larger items with rare shapes can be worth more than smaller pieces that are common in shape. However, while size does matter, it's not necessarily true that the bigger, the better. Despite the fact that larger items may be worth more than smaller ones, they also tend to cost more to make. For example, a large ring will require much more time and effort to create than a small ring or a pair of earrings would.
3. Jewelry Type
Different types of jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are worth more than others. For instance, a necklace will typically be worth more than a pair of earrings. Similarly, a white gold necklace would be worth more than a sterling silver necklace. This is because white gold is rarer and more valuable than sterling silver.
4. Jewelry Value at the Time of Purchase
The age of the piece will also affect its value. Older pieces that were manufactured in the 19th or early 20th century can be worth much more than jewelry made in modern times because it's so rare to come across something like this today. Likewise, the value of antique jewelry can vary widely depending on the country and origin in which it was created. For instance, Chinese jewelry that was made in the 19th century may be worth much more than an Italian diamond or French gold watch.
5. Jewelry Appraisal Fees
In addition to all of the above factors, an appraiser will also be able to give you an estimate of how much your piece may be worth based on all of these factors as well. The more accurate this estimate is, the better for you since it means that you'll know if your piece is truly valuable or not and if so, at what price range it's most likely available in.
Other Factors That Can Affect the Price of Your Jewelry Appraisal
Although most people consider the five main factors listed above to be the most important, there are other situations that can also cause the value of your jewelry to vary.
– Availability: The fact that your piece is a type or style that is in demand but not easily found can increase or decrease its value. The more popular and in-demand a piece is, the harder it will be for you to sell it once you sell it. Likewise, if your piece is rare or hard to find, then its value will also be higher.
Any piece of jewelry is worth more when it's rare and hard to find. If you would like an appraisal, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will be more than happy to arrange one with you. We have many clients that have been pleased with our services. Please use the form below or call us at: (818) 565-0500
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Thank you! [ARTICLE END]
The value of a diamond depends upon its color and clarity, the cut, and its carat weight, or size.