Are Corporate Awards and Corporate Gifts Beneficial for your Business?


 Are Corporate Awards and Corporate  Gifts Beneficial for your Business?

As companies have begun to understand the economic importance of employee recognition and gifts they've started to invest in these initiatives. The team at Vistex Research reports that "corporate awards and gifts programs bring a direct return on investment, with a positive ROI of 75%." Clearly then, it is important for businesses to invest in this type of program for all employees, not just sales managers or executives. Although the best way to ensure success is through careful planning and consideration for the people who deserve this recognition and gift.
The company that can identify and reward the most appropriate employees for their achievements will be the most successful.
Don't overlook the "walk-in" awards and gifts, which may not be as costly or as traditional as some of the other programs, but are still highly effective at increasing morale in your organization. They provide instant gratification and build employee loyalty.
Planning an employee recognition program is not an easy task, particularly when you have a large and diverse workforce. Vistex Research recommends considering each individual to develop an award program that best suits his or her needs, personality, and interests.
One way to make this easier is to first use web based award sharing sites such as those listed on this web site. There are web sites that allow employees to review nominations, search for awards and create their own award program. These sites provide opportunities for employees to share the good work they do with other colleagues. After all, a group of people working towards a common goal is much more effective than just one person.
Ask your customers and prospects what they like to receive when they come into your store or visit your office. Offer something that is useful and useful because it will help them in some way—not necessarily because we may sell them on the benefit of giving this gift.
Occasions such as the upcoming holidays are the perfect time to offer employees these small, easy to use gifts, which in turn can lead to a big increase in turnover and decreased employee burnout.
In addition to these employee recognition ideas, Vistex Research also recommends thinking about "guaranteed" gifts as a beneficial way of extending company loyalty. These guaranteed gifts provide another opportunity for companies to reward employees with very small and affordable rewards. For example, they might offer employees a free paid vacation or a modest sum of money towards tuition or training costs if they stay with the company for three years. In essence they are giving their people something that is valuable and then rewarding them for staying with the business to get it.
These are just a few ways to make your employees feel appreciated, and in turn make them more loyal to your business.
Careful planning and good communication is the foundation of an effective employee recognition and reward program. And with careful consideration of the people, who deserve this recognition and gift, all of these things are certain to pay off.
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Posted by Editor on Friday, October 19, 2012 · 1 Comment
Every day we grow closer to important elections in the US, and it seems that every day something else comes up that is new and scandalous, or potentially dangerous to our democratic process. So let's try a little exercise here. Perhaps you have a few minutes to spare. Sit back and think about it. Imagine what would happen in your country if there were an election that was never declared, or annulled, or voided. Every candidate would be declared the winner, and all of their opponents who contested the outcome would be condemned as frauds and enemies of the state.
Do you think this is something our own governments do? I don't! A few years ago it was revealed that the US had been involved in an election rigging scheme in Haiti back in 2004. But instead of actually having to face any consequences, they were simply forced to pay out millions of dollars in compensation to those hurt by the scheme.
But that was only a minor scandal in the scheme of things. How about something like Russia losing its electoral system altogether? That was a bit more serious, I would have thought! Or perhaps having your voting system rigged to give one party an electoral majority is serious enough, but when it leads to one party stealing the election outright, we really start to get upset!
So if you had just won an election that you were legally entitled to win and were then refused the chance to actually take office because your opponent had rigged the election against you and then held on to power because of it, what would you think?
This has already happened in Venezuela. In December 2012 Hugo Chavez died after serving as president for eleven years. His vice president declared himself to be the victor, but that did not stop an election tribunal from declaring the deceased man's chosen successor to be the winner of the election.
Well, I hope you're not thinking that this is a U.S. style electoral system where the victor gets to take office in spite of their opponent having rigged the game? No? Well maybe you should try getting in touch with your local party members and ask them how they feel about that kind of situation!
So what happened here is that Chavez died and his Vice President declared himself as his replacement. The claim was that the constitution required his presidency to be decided within 30 days of Chavez's death. So in order to keep the country going smoothly and avoid a vacuum in government at a time of national tragedy, he only needed to hold on for a little over two months before another election could be held.
We're talking about a man who wanted to become Venezuela's president and was desperate enough to take power through any means necessary. It is likely that he never thought he'd lose the election which he knew was years away from happening.

Conclusion: Regardless of what anyone thought the constitution actually said, the Vice-President decided that he should be the only candidate in the next election, and so he simply seized power.
There are two things I want to highlight for you here. First of all, if there is any doubt that Chavez' death was deliberately timed to facilitate this power grab then you should read this article , which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Chavez' death was arranged by his own party some time ago so that they could seize power for themselves.

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