Are Routines Holding You Back?


 Are Routines Holding You Back?

In many ways, routines are good. They help us feel in control and secure, they give us a sense of structure and order in our lives. But there is a dark side to routines as well – we can become so accustomed to doing things the way we always have that we stop taking initiative or making any changes at all. When this happens, routines can actually lead to stagnation, unhappiness, and a feeling of being stuck.
"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
A routine is essentially a pattern or repetition, and the idea is that if you do something over and over again, you will get better at it. This is true in many areas of life, from your morning shower to learning a new language. And although routines are effective because they help us to develop skills and become better acquainted with what we're doing, after a while regular routines can hold us back.  
As you know, I'm always trying to think about how my clients can go about making positive changes in their lives – but sometimes this is easier said than done. Many people make the mistake of expecting gradual growth, but I believe that in our fast-paced, modern lives, it is more important than ever to carve out time to create something new. In this article, I'll be discussing how routines can actually be holding you back and what you can do about it.
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To start off my series on habits , I want to talk about routine maintenance. Every time we do more things with a specific intent or purpose in mind, we create a habit . You are at this point in your life and have various habits that have helped you get to this point, while some of them have led to very poor results.
The main thing you need to realize is that having a routine isn't always bad. The problem comes when the routine is not working for you and becomes a habit. When this happens, I would say it's time for you to look deeper into yourself and try to figure out if those routines are beneficial for your life or if they are holding you back.
In my own search for knowledge, I've been through many ups and downs in terms of habits that I created throughout my life. After reading a lot of self-help material and studying personal development, I've come to realize that I need to constantly be aware of my actions and choices.
This awareness is something that you should also strive for. If your routines are not taking you where you want to be, then maybe it's time for you to change that routine into something a little bit different or try to create a new habit in your life.
So, here's a few questions for you to ask yourself to help you get in touch with what really works for you, so as to become more aware and mindful when it comes to your habits.
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I've been thinking about routines quite a bit lately because of the new findings that are coming out. A lot of these are scientific studies and how our brains work, but I think one of the most interesting ones I've read is titled Are Routines Holding You Back? by Roberto Olivardia Ph.D. and Danielle DeCourcey. I hope someone can give me a better conclusion than this because this sort of goes against what I believe, but the science is there. This might make some people reflect on things they do and try to change them which might be beneficial, but not necessary so here it is below
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When it comes to breaking habits, there are a few different things you can do in order to do it successfully. There's motivation, excuses and a whole lot more that can help you when trying to get rid of something old and create something new instead. This can also be related to routines, like when you want to start exercising for example.
In order to change your habits you'll need to make a plan and that's no different from when it comes to breaking them either.
When it comes to making a routine or changing one, this can be done in several different ways.  
The secret is not just setting goals but also breaking them down into smaller steps that are easier for you to achieve on the way there. For those who are lazy or don't want to accomplish anything, this is a great way to set your habits on the right path and start gaining momentum. All you have to do is break down the whole thing into smaller steps and then when you've achieved one step, move onto the next one.
I've found that this works great for me when I'm trying to start breaking bad habits, like smoking or something like that.
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When you're trying to change or create a new habits in your life, there are several things that you'll need to do in order for it to work properly. You'll need motivation , of course; but also determination can be something else. And of course, there's always the will power as well.
We all have heard about this stuff before, but if you haven't tried to break a bad habit yet, you'll soon find out that it won't work unless you follow these steps.
There are several different ways that can help you accomplish your goal and in this article we'll talk about my favorite ways that I've tried and tested myself when breaking bad habits.
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I'm sure most of us have heard the saying "I'm not lazy, just resting my brain". If it was true then I'm sure we'd all be geniuses by now.

Conclusion Simple Habit Counter Don't be lazy. Stretch routine to do more things. Manage your time. Boost productivity. Work on the things that really matter to you and don't waste time on stuff you don't want to do.
Don't be lazy: By the way, this is not just true for not being lazy, but also for not giving up on things when it seems like it's out of your hands or when you have no choice in the matter.

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