Are You Correctly Located And Faced For Prosperity?
Probably not.
You may think this is a joke, but it's not. You are in the perfect position to begin prospering and if you're anything like me, you've been looking for that "click" or "sign" the whole time. Well here it is: You're going to have to turn around 180° and face north-east where Mount Vernon sits atop a mighty hill overlooking Puget Sound in WA state. It's a tough call because there are so many other mountains as well, but I believe this one will work best for you.
I looked around for the "click" or sign but couldn't find it. It's a bit peculiar because Mount Vernon sits on the edge of this mountain range, like that small hill in front of a man with a beard. But to be sure, I took a picture…
From now on every time you look at this picture and feel discouraged or confused, I suggest you change it to the opposite side: Now Mount Vernon is facing east while this mountain range is staring North-east! The clicks and signs are everywhere. You just have to find them! -Article by Fiona Napier [ ]
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Aren't you? I was born on the land in this area, Helensville. It's a bit like the "Heavenly Place" but not as good, a little further north than Mount Vernon actually where it rains sometimes. But it was still good to live there and be able to get around easily without having to drive everywhere.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about why I wasn't successful and the reason is this: When you're poor, it's very difficult to get ahead. It's only once you are rich that you can afford to do what it is that you really want to do in life. You have to be rich and then get even richer. This all comes down to having "the click".
I don't care whether you have the click or not. I am going to tell you how to get the click though. It's easy once you know what it is and actually do it.
Look at this picture below: If Mount Vernon looks familiar, that's because it is! The first thing to do is turn around 180º and face north-east again with Mount Vernon towering above Puget Sound like a mountain peak:
What is important here is that this mountain range, which runs along the South Coast of New Zealand, encompasses Auckland, the country's largest city. It's massive, about 2,000 kilometres long and, as you can see, the only one that covers Auckland.
This is where you will find the click then:
Mount Roskill is the largest hill in all of Auckland and if you turn around 180° again, you will see it from a totally different angle. What's most fascinating about this hill though is that it looks like two mounds separated by a gap in between with a couple of houses on top and all things considered it is relatively small. It's not even visible from downtown Auckland! Yet this is where "the click" lies!
This click of course isn't anything physical but an intangible click or sign made up by our mind when we recognise something familiar. It's the same principle as recognising a face in a crowd or an animal in the forest. It's "the click".
In order to get the click then, you need to find something familiar that also sits on top of a hill. It doesn't have to be a clickable idea either; it could be anything… A plant, water, air etc.
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I tried to explain in this article how to find the click, but I couldn't explain it very well. The way I see it is this (the Click) : You need to firstly recognise something familiar and then place yourself in a place where that familiar thing also sits on top of a hill. In short: "The Click" is an intangible click or sign made up by our mind when we recognise something familiar and place ourselves in a place where that thing also sits on top of a hill. It does not have to be a clickable idea. It could be anything!
-Fiona Napier [ ]
I think it's important to share what I'm going through with you. It's not easy and it can be a bit confusing at times but hopefully I will get the clicks and signs to work out for me and everyone else who is in a similar situation like me. All along the way, I've ended up reading blogs online, looking at pictures, looking up "clicks", (but they weren't clicking) anything to try and help me understand the process of getting the clicks, but nothing has worked for me so far. I need more clicks!
I have had some ideas and they've led to articles like this one, but I haven't had any clicks yet…
-Fiona Napier [ ]
To be honest with you all, I've never been to "the Heavenly Place" but I have been looking for it all along. The way that I see it is this: The Click or sign is not a physical thing; it's intangible, much like how when you look at a picture of someone you know and recognise that person from the face alone.
Conclusion: The Click or sign is an intangible click or sign made up by our mind when we recognise something familiar and place ourselves in a place where that thing also sits on top of a hill. It does not have to be a clickable idea. It could be anything!
-Fiona Napier [ ]
I have traveled a lot in my life but I think the one place I've traveled to the most is Auckland, New Zealand . Most people know Auckland from the TV as a big, bustling, city with many different things to do but it's also got that beautiful scenery of rugged coastline and mountains like Mount Roskill (click here ).