Are You Ready to Outsource Your Bookkeeping?


 Are You Ready to Outsource Your Bookkeeping?

Are you ready to outsource your bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping can be a nightmare, especially when you've got 10 fingers crossed that it'll do its job with minimal input from you. The problem is that they're so busy, they're too preoccupied to get the job done properly.
In order to escape this never-ending cycle of fear and loathing, take the power back! Outsource your bookkeeping and finally have peace of mind.
There's no reason why you need to struggle like this. You can finally relax and get back to doing what you want to do, instead of being a slave to your bookkeepers!
The thing is, outsourcing doesn't even mean you're handing over the reigns completely. You're still in control of the day-to-day bookkeeping tasks, while they take care of everything else.
You'll be able to see what's been done, how it was done and when it was done. They'll also do all the filing and payroll work for you.
This is incredibly valuable, as it'll give you a place to start when it comes to analysing your business and seeing how efficient your operations are.
You can also see where the flaws are in your day-to-day procedures. You can look at everything from banking to tax and VAT, so you're always one step ahead of the game.
If this sounds like something worth looking into, here's a checklist you can use before you hand over the reigns:
·          Communicate clearly  – Setting up exactly what's involved in an email or phone call will ensure transparency from them. This means both parties know what is being outsourced and what's not.
·          Choose the right person  – Look at candidates on the phone or in an interview. Take a second opinion when it comes to their work. They should be organised, work well under pressure and be prepared to adapt.
·          investigate their references  – You want someone who's reliable, quick and efficient; look at what previous employers say about them. The more positive references you get, the better!
·          Create a contract  – Make sure both parties know what's going on and how they're going to communicate with each other during the process. You can also include any payment arrangements if necessary.
There are plenty of things that are worth outsourcing, but your bookkeeping isn't one of them!
Author: Gareth Jenkinson   is a freelance writer with a great interest and vast experience in the world of business. Read more about bookkeeping outsourcing and other methods for improving your business efficiency. [ARTICLE END]
Here's my review of this article:
This article is very biased toward outsourcing your bookkeeping. It mentions nothing about what you should be looking for in an outsourced service provider, nor does it mention any inadequacies with the service it is pushing.
I hope it was not intended to be a sales pitch and that the service provider mentioned in this article is a good one.
Here's what outsourcing your bookkeeping might look like. Find more articles at Outsourcing Bookkeeping: Pros and Cons
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About the Author.
Gareth Jenkinson is a freelance writer with an interest in accounting and business, especially small businesses. He's written articles on outsourcing, employee benefits and more. [ARTICLE START] Are You Ready to Outsource Your Bookkeeping? By Gareth Jenkinson Are you ready to outsource your bookkeeping? There's no reason why you need to struggle like this. You can finally relax and get back to doing what you want to do, instead of being a slave to your bookkeepers! The thing is, outsourcing doesn't even mean you're handing over the reigns completely. You're still in control of the day-to-day bookkeeping tasks, while they take care of everything else. You'll be able to see what's been done, how it was done and when it was done. They'll also do all the filing and payroll work for you. This is incredibly valuable, as it'll give you a place to start when it comes to analysing your business and seeing how efficient your operations are. You can also see where the flaws are in your day-to-day procedures. You can look at everything from banking to tax and VAT, so you're always one step ahead of the game. If this sounds like something worth looking into, here's a checklist you can use before you hand over the reigns: Communicate clearly – Setting up exactly what's involved in an email or phone call will ensure transparency from them. This means both parties know what is being outsourced and what's not. Choose the right person – Look at candidates on the phone or in an interview. Take a second opinion when it comes to their work. They should be organised, work well under pressure and be prepared to adapt. investigate their references – You want someone who's reliable, quick and efficient; look at what previous employers say about them. The more positive references you get, the better! Create a contract – Make sure both parties know what's going on and how they're going to communicate with each other during the process. You can also include any payment arrangements if necessary. Would You Like to Submit an Article? Please fill out the form below for our consideration. *If you are unsure about the above contact us for a more precise example of a link to what we can accept.
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About the Author.
Gareth Jenkinson is a freelance writer with an interest in accounting and business, especially small businesses. He's written articles on outsourcing, employee benefits and more. [ARTICLE START] Are You Ready to Outsource Your Bookkeeping? By Gareth Jenkinson Are you ready to outsource your bookkeeping? There's no reason why you need to struggle like this. You can finally relax and get back to doing what you want to do, instead of being a slave to your bookkeepers! The thing is, outsourcing doesn't even mean you're handing over the reigns completely. You're still in control of the day-to-day bookkeeping tasks, while they take care of everything else. You'll be able to see what's been done, how it was done and when it was done. They'll also do all the filing and payroll work for you.

About the Author.
Gareth Jenkinson is a freelance writer with an interest in accounting and business, especially small businesses. He's written articles on outsourcing, employee benefits and more. [ARTICLE END] Here's my review of this article:
This article is very biased toward outsourcing your bookkeeping. It mentions nothing about what you should be looking for in an outsourced service provider, nor does it mention any inadequacies with the service it is pushing.
I hope it was not intended to be a sales pitch and that the service provider mentioned in this article is a good one.
Here's what outsourcing your bookkeeping might look like.

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