Are You Thinking Too Small and Dooming Your Small Business To Failure?


 Are You Thinking Too Small and Dooming Your Small Business To Failure?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Think big or go home.” And while most people may interpret this to mean that they should be thinking about the grander scale of things and how they can expand their horizons in order to see more success, there is an alternative interpretation that is even more applicable in today's small business climate.

Small businesses are expert at adapting and changing on a dime relative to larger corporations so it might make sense for you to think small with your business goals. Think smaller scale but with a focus on quality.

Before you start planning for growth, take a few minutes and think about what your business goals should be if you really want to succeed this year. If you’re not sure where to start thinking about these things, then perhaps a little inspiration from the Small Business Administration (SBA) would help you get started.

The SBA is the government agency that’s responsible for helping and advising small businesses on various issues such as online marketing strategies, providing funding for technology or assistance with business loans, government grants or tax assistance. Here are some examples of the items that they provide help with:
Here are a few tips to help you get started.
Think of your passion in life or what a would-be passion is for you and think about it in the context of a business. Is this something that stirs you on the inside? Do you feel passionately about what it is you do? If so, then that's your business.
Think small but pursue excellence. Consider these direct quotes from the SBA: “The entrepreneurial spirit is collective action and it can put people to work and make things happen”  ( “ do not have to be a giant company to be a giant in your industry or to make a positive impact” (
What you have to ask yourself is this: Can you take something that has been successful for others and apply it for yourself? What about those people who have become superstars on YouTube or other social media platforms? Can you take what they are doing and apply it for your own business?
As the SBA says, “...the challenge and opportunity of small business is that it can offer customers better, more personalized and more affordable products and services than larger companies can provide...” (

Think about the way you can do that for your own business. For example, if you provide customers with a unique product or service that they can’t get anywhere else, you are onto something good. And if you can find ways to deliver a better product or service than your competitors, then you’ll be ahead of the game compared to those who are not putting in the same effort as you are and then they will have something to worry about. So think small but make it count when it comes to thinking big in regards to your business goals.

If you’re looking for more business tips and inspiration, then try visiting your local library or bookstore. There are plenty of resources out there to help you with this. And don’t forget the Internet—it can be a great resource if you know where to look.

The business world is full of opportunity if you know what to look for and how to find it. But one thing is certain: If you’re looking elsewhere rather than within, then your small business will never meet its true potential—no matter how big of a dreamer you are when it comes to making your business goals happen. (c)2013 – Dr. Carmen Paris

Other marketing and PR activities:
https://web.archive .org/web/20150306202939/- .com/.
http://www .carmenparis .com/.
http://www .carmenparis .com/.
https://archive .at /20150606845282 -http: //www.carmenparis .com/2014/12 /30/inspiration for-writers/. . .carmenparis .com:80/.

 https://web.archive .org/web /20150306202918/-http: //www .carmenparis .com:80/.


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