Aromatherapy: Sweet Smells For Success


 Aromatherapy: Sweet Smells For Success

It’s been said that the nose is our most powerful sense and can control our mood, alert us to danger, and even help ward off sickness. If that’s true, then it’s no exaggeration to say that smell gives life meaning. But what can we do when the smells around us make us feel uneasy or anxious? One answer is aromatherapy.

In aromatherapy, essential oils derived from natural plant materials are used to affect one’s mind, body or spirit. The oils are extracted from plants and herbs and carefully blended to create a unique scent. Some scents evoke positive memories of an enjoyable event in the past and act as a stress reducer. For example, the smell of baking cookies may bring back good memories of mom’s homemade treats; this smells like comfort. Others can help us relax: the smell of a sun-baked beach brings feelings of both relaxation and energy.

Most people can detect odors at 0.1 to 0.3%. Using a scent diffuser with essential oil or aromatherapy oil can help people detect smells in their surroundings and experience the memories they evoke, without the anxiety that accompanies their odors.

Each of us has various scents that are especially meaningful to us and bring back warm memories. Think of your favorite scent and what it means to you. Put the memory into words. Then, write a list of the benefits you think each scent brings for you:
Red indicates that red is associated with stress for you, and stress causes anger, irritability and impatience.

Using essential oils to change your emotional state can be a healthy and natural way to combat stress. Some oils are associated with feelings of stress, fear, anger or depression. If a particular oil is linked with a stressful time in your life, avoid it. Instead, choose an oil that’s associated with feelings you’re trying to achieve. For example if you want to feel energized use rosemary or peppermint because they are associated with the positive feelings of invigoration and alertness. If you feel depressed use geranium because it’s associated with joy and happiness, while if you feel tense chose lavender which is associated with relaxation and peace.

A small amount of a pure essential oil is added to diffuser water and then dispersed into the air. Diffusers are small appliances that plug into any standard electrical outlet and release a fine, aromatic mist. The pleasant smell fills the room and can be used in homes, businesses and vehicles. The scents are not noticeable when you’re standing right in front of the diffuser but what you smell depends on where you are in relation to it.

The type of aroma therapy product used depends upon the desired outcome: for example, for someone who suffers from stress, depression or anxiety, such as those recovering from trauma; lavender might be useful. This particular oil is thought to have a relaxing effect emotionally and physically. It is known to promote feelings of calm and tranquility.

Diffusers work by raising essential oils into the air using a liquid such as water and these oils are then absorbed through the nose rather than eyes or skin. This is why they are best used in open spaces such as your home office, bedroom or child’s room. They can also be used in vehicles, kitchens, bathrooms and cottages in which you spend most of your days.

Aromatherapists recommend that you try out several different scents before deciding on one that works for you. If you are having a specific problem such as stress, depression or anxiety then choose an oil that is known to help with these feelings. For example, if you’re feeling anxious you might choose lavender because it’s associated with being calm and relaxed.

The diffuser can be used in conjunction with aromatherapy oil therapy to achieve the therapeutic effects of aroma therapy when used in the context of other complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). The following is just a few ways in which it can be useful.
Some oils are known to boost metabolism and help the body burn calories faster making them useful for people trying to lose weight. Others work as relaxants or sleep aids. Aids such as those that are often used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) may be useful in helping people focus in school or on the job.

Aside from aromatherapy diffusers, essential oils can be inhaled using a vaporizer. A vaporizer is a device that heats up essential oils and disperses them into the air where they’re inhaled and absorbed through your lungs. This is particularly beneficial for people who have respiratory ailments such as asthma or allergies, because they don’t irritate your respiratory tract. In some cases it can help combat your symptoms and even improve lung function.

Aromatherapy can be used in conjunction with other therapies including massage and acupuncture. In an aromatherapy massage there are three things you can do to help reduce stress.

"5-HTP", an amino acid (which is found in foods such as bananas, brewer's yeast and peanuts), had previously been deemed a "diet pill" by marketers of dietary supplements because it induces the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood. A 2006 meta-analysis of 5-HTP research published in the "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry" concluded that 5-HTP was effective in treating depression, but was not superior to standard antidepressant medication for most people.

The body converts 5-HTP into serotonin, and then into melatonin (a hormone responsible for the regulation of sleep). The theory is that increased melatonin production helps one to relax. Advocates claim that 5-HTP can be useful for all manner of conditions including insomnia, depression, and obesity. However, because 5-HTP is an amino acid it cannot differentiate between serotonin receptors in the brain. Some researchers attribute undesirable side effects such as hunger cravings and nausea to the fact that 5-HTP floods the brain with serotonin and competes with tryptophan, which normally converts to serotonin in the body.

Conclusion: 5-HTP can be useful for many conditions, but it is not known to have any effect on obesity.

In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against using 5-HTP supplements to treat obesity because studies show that when taken as a supplement, 5-HTP does not promote weight loss. Some websites claiming that 5-HTP is an effective dietary supplement in treating obesity are also false and misleading.

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