Attitudes Training Will Increase Productivity In Your Company And Home Based Business!
Do you have trouble concentrating on the task at hand? Is it difficult to get in a 'flow state?' Are your goals eluding you and you feel like maybe they're not realistic anyway? Well, attitudinal training can help! There are a variety of attitudes that will improve your productivity levels. From determination to personal responsibility, we've identified eight attitudes that can improve the way your company or home business operates.
1) Be determined - Over time, those who are determined consistently work harder than those who don't feel strongly about what they're doing and how they do it. They set specific goals for themselves and then work towards achieving them relentlessly. As a result, they become more successful.
2) Take responsibility - Those who take responsibility for their own actions and those of their employees are far more likely to be productive than those who don't. They make sure the job is done to the best of their abilities. Moreover, they openly admit when they've made mistakes so that other people in the company can learn from them and become better as a result.
3) Be pleasant - Those who are pleasant work with others and are able to accomplish goals easily because they do things that help rather than things that hurt. They're receptive to feedback, offer praise when appropriate, can take criticism well, and don't waste time on useless activities.
4) Be modest - Those who are modest aren't boastful, and they aren't proud of things they haven't worked hard for. They're willing to admit their mistakes, and don't spend a lot of time talking about themselves.
5) Be honest - Honesty is an important key to productivity because those who are honest with others develop relationships that help them get the job done more easily. People are more likely to help you if they know you're trustworthy and will do what you say you'll do.
6) Be motivated - Motivation helps people be productive not just in the workplace but in their personal lives as well. Those who are motivated do what they do because they love what they're doing, rather than because they want money or a specific reward.
7) Be organized - Those who are organized have a distinct advantage over those who aren't! They know where items are, have their schedules in order, and keep their desk clear of clutter. They don't waste time looking for things when a simple system would make life so much easier for them.
8) Be realistic - Those who are realistic about everything from their own skills to the capabilities of other people in the company aren't likely to be as frustrated as those who set unrealistically high goals, and then become angry when things don't turn out like they 'thought' they would. They have realistic expectations.
This is a very interesting topic and one I couldn't agree more with, but am having trouble finding the original article that came out with the list. I need to go to work on the weekend and do some research on it, but I hope you find it as useful as I think it will be.
If you want to read this article in its entirety, click HERE for a subscription link to be sent directly to your email inbox right after you make your payment. The post is also copied below...
All the best,
Note: This article was originally published in February 2015. In light of the above, I've decided to repost it to have it available on this blog as well.
Attitudes Training Will Increase Productivity In Your Company And Home Based Business! [ARTICLE START] If you're in business and have employees, you probably know that people are a lot more productive when they think positively. It's easy enough to teach creativity and critical thinking in the classroom or at a business school, but applying its principles outside the building can be a whole different ball game. There are a variety of attitudes that will improve your productivity levels. From determination to personal responsibility, we've identified eight attitudes that can improve the way your company or home business operates. Be determined Those who are determined consistently work harder than those who don't feel strongly about what they're doing and how they do it. They set specific goals for themselves and then work towards achieving them relentlessly. As a result, they become more successful. Take responsibility Those who take responsibility for their own actions and those of their employees are far more likely to be productive than those who don't. They make sure the job is done to the best of their abilities. Moreover, they openly admit when they've made mistakes so that other people in the company can learn from them and become better as a result. Be pleasant Those who are pleasant work with others and are able to accomplish goals easily because they do things that help rather than things that hurt. They're receptive to feedback, offer praise when appropriate, can take criticism well, and don't waste time on useless activities. Be modest Those who are modest aren't boastful, and they aren't proud of things they haven't worked hard for. They're willing to admit their mistakes, and don't spend a lot of time talking about themselves. Be honest Those who are honest with others develop relationships that help them get the job done more easily. People are more likely to help you if they know you're trustworthy and will do what you say you'll do. Be motivated Those who are motivated do what they do because they love what they're doing, rather than because they want money or a specific reward. Be realistic Those who are realistic about everything from their own skills to the capabilities of other people in the company aren't likely to be as frustrated as those who set unrealistically high goals, and then become angry when things don't turn out like they 'thought' they would. They have realistic expectations. These are the eight key attitudes that will increase the productivity of your company and home business. Most important of all, the next time you find yourself feeling frustrated or angry at your employees, take a step back and consider if any of these traits might apply to you as well.
How to Create a Winning Attitude [ARTICLE START] Employees need to have winning attitudes in order to work in an organization that strives for success. Here are some guidelines to create such an attitude. 1) Be determined - Those who are determined consistently work harder than those who don't feel strongly about what they're doing and how they do it. They set specific goals for themselves and then work towards achieving them relentlessly. As a result, they become more successful. 2) Be pleasant - Those who are pleasant work with others and are able to accomplish goals easily because they do things that help rather than things that hurt. They're receptive to feedback, offer praise when appropriate, can take criticism well, and don't waste time on useless activities. 3) Be modest - Those who are modest aren't boastful, and they aren't proud of things they haven't worked hard for. They're willing to admit their mistakes, and don't spend a lot of time talking about themselves. 4) Be honest - Those who are honest with others develop relationships that help them get the job done more easily. People are more likely to help you if they know you're trustworthy and will do what you say you'll do.
Conclusion [ARTICLE END] With these attitudes, your employees will be able to work independently with less resistance or frustration and will feel much more positive about the mission of your company. As a result, they'll be more productive and happy to be there.
The Eight Attitudes That Will Increase Your Productivity [ARTICLE START] Productivity is a major issue in any organization these days. From the success or failure of an entire industry to the success or failure of a single business unit within it, productivity can decide whether their product gets on store shelves, whether their customer service department keeps getting calls, whether their purchasing department gets enough supplies on time, and so on.