Attorney Marketing – Boosting Revenues With No Added Cost


 Attorney Marketing – Boosting Revenues With No Added Cost

I need to boost my revenues. I have a million ideas of how I want to do this, but all of the ideas will take time and resources. Time and resources are things I don't want to spend on anything else. I still have to answer the occasional email, respond to a difficult client, and travel for business purposes.

That's where attorney marketing comes in. Attorney marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways for a lawyer like me to boost my revenues without adding anything new to my plate. But where does attorney marketing come from? And what does it do exactly? Those are good questions that we'll answer in this article.

What is attorney marketing anyway? Marketing for other professionals who work with businesses and individuals outside of law firms is typically called "business development." Attorney marketing is any kind of development done specifically with attorneys by attorneys.

It can be a blog, a seminar, or even a referral from one lawyer to another. It just has to be something done in the legal industry, aimed at other lawyers, and designed for the purpose of growing their practices.

Why should I care about attorney marketing? The reason you should care about attorney marketing is that it is 1) cost-effective and 2) according to statistics by the American Bar Association (ABA), there are more than 1 million practicing lawyers in the United States who need your practice area expertise. The ABA also shows that 53% of attorneys work on their own and 56% of those attorneys list themselves on the Internet as some kind of service provider.


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