Avoid Becoming a Zombie
The world is infested with brain-eating zombies, and while they may be slow, they are relentless. They want your brains! In this post we'll explore how to avoid becoming a zombie by giving you the rundown on how to survive an encounter , practical strategies for fighting off zombies in a few different scenarios, and what you need to do when the inevitable end comes.
So if you're worried about this stuff but not sure how to defend yourself, read on — it's time for hand-to-hand combat!
## I don't know where I am going wrong but my captions are not matching up with my images, specifically the first one. Here is the code for all of them:
I want to assure my readers that I am not going to be using this as an opportunity to bash brain-eating zombies. They are fantastic creations and their existence has helped me to add a lot of depth and character to my story. So I will leave this post here and come back later with a more positive zombie-themed post ;-)
But the main point of my blog is to educate people on what they can do when confronted by a zombie attack, so if anyone recognise this situation it would be great if you could let me know in the comments.
So before we continue, let's review some important facts:
1. Clicking on the post title will open up an overlay of the entire post.
2. To scroll through each image, you can use the arrows next to the previous and next buttons at the bottom of the overlay, or you can touch and drag left or right on your touchscreen to scroll through them.
3. On desktop computers, pressing F11 will toggle between full-screen and normal mode for all images in this post.
4. The first caption is clickable; clicking it will take you to another article that I wrote about how to get through a zombie attack in locations where there are no weapons or only blunt ones (like flagpoles).
5. This is a guest post and I will have full credit for it as the author. However, if you decide to use the content of this blog in any way, please allow me to mention that I wrote this material. Lastly, I always welcome feedback so if you would like to contact me with your thoughts and opinions, please do so via e-mail at: [email protected]
Let's begin!
1 . If You're Being Attacked By Zombies in a Town or Village...
* Panic! Panic! Panic! :-/ * Escape immediately and run for your life.
Scenario: You are at home and you hear howling or growling noises outside, perhaps the sounds of break-in and running. You get out to investigate. As you go outside, you see a mass of zombies that appear to be from all directions. They are all over the place, some approaching you from further away as others let out a big loud bellow and come for you faster. These ones are clearly about to attack.
How To Survive Zombie Attack In Town / Village
First take your time, assess the situation and decide what your strategy for combat is going to be before the attack starts. Decide on a position in which you will defend yourself (there's no point trying to run if they've surrounded you).
You should have a good idea of where the best positions are in your neighbourhood and you should have practiced them beforehand. Ideally you should be able to defend yourself from each of these positions, no matter what direction you are attacked from.
Possible defence locations:
- Entrance to house/apartment block (i.e. gate)
- Entrance to other buildings (mainly shops)
- In your house/apartment
- In any external structure (garage, shed, car, van etc.)
Escape Plan for Escape Route Ideas and Related Posts : here (in green) and here (in blue).
Attacking Zombie Combat Properly :-/
So you're in your chosen position and you have decided on a defensive approach (e.g. chairs, tables, tables with chairs on top, etc.) and are ready to defend yourself from each direction as the zombies attack from different directions.
(Note: If one of these options is not available, it is best to try to take cover indoors and hold out for as long as you can)
But it's not just about holding positions until the zombies get tired of attacking and go away or 'disappearing' — no. You have to be aggressive when defending yourself by attacking any zombie that gets too close or that is attacking you.
The principle of being aggressive when defending yourself from the zombies is this:
- You are going to attack a lot more zombies than the number you can defend against.
- If they are attacking, you are going to have to stop them attacking by hitting them hard where it really hurts (the face and head).
If you would like to read more about this concept, I would recommend you check out the book:- Primitive War : Tactics, Technology and Training of Fighting Men in Ancient Battle by John Keegan ISBN - 075157025X. I read it a number of years ago and while I didn't really agree with all the authors political views and opinions, I did like his books in general.
So you have decided on a defensive location and are ready to defend yourself with chairs, tables, garden furniture, etc. (see previous post for more details). The zombies are approaching you from different directions.
What Do You Do? If they see you or sense that you are there, they will start to be aggressive (or they will get closer and get aggressive) by trying to get close enough to bite or scratch you.
They will come for you aggressively and will not stop until they get to you. During this time you are going to have to fight off many, many more zombies than the number you can defend against (i.e. how many chairs, tables, ladders and other objects you have available), so that means your attacks needs to be fast, hard and close-in.
Any attacks from a distance from chairs or whatever else that has been improvised as a weapon will not work well because:
- It will slow the attack down (very bad).
- The zombie can just keep coming at you (very bad).
- You can not defend yourself from the other zombies the same time (very bad).
This means that the only option is to attack hard and fast with an object that you can keep hold of. You are going to hit them very hard on their face or head. This will put them down for a moment. Hit them again, harder and faster this time, then again and again until they are done for.
If you do it right, each zombie should be on the floor in under 10 seconds. It's not just about hitting them hard; it is more about hitting many more times than they can bite or scratch you (your attacks will be stronger than their attacks).
Conclusion : - After you have attacked and stopped the attacking for a bit, you will have to be very careful to keep your head down so that they don't come back at you again (because they will be able to see where you are now). I hope that makes sense now.
If there are other steps you can take to help, please let me know in the comments section below or in your contact form at the end of this article. If there is any further information contained in this post that needs updating, feel free to do so by clicking on 'edit' at the top right of this page. As always, thank you for reading and happy defending!
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.
Avoid Becoming a Zombie