Avoid these advertising mistakes at all costs!


 Avoid these advertising mistakes at all costs!

Your advertising is only as good as your audience. If you're marketing a new beauty cream, for example, then the people who use it are more likely to listen to you than if you were hawking tie clips. However, if your ad campaign does not succeed in attracting this group of people, then it's just hurting your company's bottom line. Here are four of the most common advertising mistakes:

- You can't just advertise on social media because that takes a lot of time and there are millions of posts every day. 
- Trying different methods with no evidence that one works better than another is technically called "shooting in the dark. 
- There are no shortcuts to success with advertising. If you want to reach your audience effectively, you have to work for it. 
- Trying to explain the intricacies of your product or service in 30 seconds is next to impossible. 
Even if your ads are free and seem like a good idea at the time, they might end up doing more harm than good because they're:

- Pretentious - They use words or phrases that only certain groups of people understand. 
- Overly promotional - They seem like they're trying too hard and not just being informative. 
- Uninteresting - They don't tell a story or intrigue the reader enough to keep them reading. 
- Lazy - They're too complicated and include too much jargon, which is likely to alienate the intended audience.

The best way to avoid these advertising mistakes is by creating effective ads, which will stand out from all the other ones in your market. Eliminate any clichés that may have crept into your message and make sure it's clear what you offer. To do this, try these steps:

- Make an outline of what each part of your message will be about. 
- Write down what you want to convey to your audience and the best way of doing it. 
- Think about which words to include and how they can fit into the rest of your message. 
- Do a first draft of your message, which you'll then need to refine after you've considered how it's going over with a general audience. 
Following these steps will help you avoid some mistakes, but remember that advertising is not just about having a good method or finding shortcuts. It's also about communicating in a way that lets your customers know exactly what they're getting and why they should buy it from you instead of someone else.

Author: Tim Dunn 
Posted by : Steven Archer 
Posted by : Manuela Zanni 
Posted by : Bella Kirkwood 

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 – How to Write a Business Plan and Use It as a Strategic Tool to Grow Your Small Business #Business Plan #Small Business #Advertising #Marketing #Business Startup https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/advertising_mistakes.html http://www.inspirationfeeds.com/advertising-mistakes-that-kill-small-business-profits/ http://www.bplans.com/ads-mistakes-that-kill-your-business https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/283747 https://www.startupgrind.com/advertising-mistakes http://www.businessinsider.com/4-commonly-used-adswords-that-chipawayonproduceengageconsumerconsumerservicesinnovateusethinkthink http://blog.millionairemakers.com/2013/04/23/the-fourteen-most%E2%80%8Bexpensiveadvertisingmistakesin2010/#1
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http://www3.sympatico.ca/caillou/AdvertisingMistake.htm http://www.mediainfoguide.com/14-common-advertising-mistakes-youre-probably-doing (Beware of Plagiarism)
http://www.fastcompany.com/3010950/four-common-advertisingmythsthatbustonbusinesss http://blog.adage.com/business_development_advice_tips/20071023/#45974
http://www3.sympatico.ca/caillou/AdvertisingMistake.htm http://www.mediainfoguide.com/14-common-advertising-mistakes-youre-probablydoing
http://adage.com/article/digital_marketing/four-advertisingmyths-busted http://www3.sympatico.ca/caillou/AdvertisingMistake.htm
http://www3.sympatico.ca/caillou/AdvertisingMistake.htm http://www.mediainfoguide.com/14-common-advertising-mistakes-youre-probablydoing
http://adage.com/article/digital_marketing/four-advertisingmyths-busted http://www3.sympatico.ca/caillou/AdvertisingMistake.htm
http://adage.com/article/digital_marketing/four-advertisingmyths-busted http://www3.sympatico.


As you can see, there are some of the most common advertising mistakes. It is important to avoid them if you want to succeed as an advertiser. Make sure to remember what is written in this article and use it as a guide when creating your next ad campaign. You will be glad you did!

Article by: Austin D. Wade Article Directory : http://www.articlecatalog.com/advertising-mistakes/180783-avoid-these-advertising-mistakes-at-all-costs.html#ixzz3YBj3q2X5

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