Avoiding a Financial Crisis: How to Keep Your Small Business Alive

 Avoiding a Financial Crisis: How to Keep Your Small Business Alive

Creating a small business takes hard work and a little money, but what if it doesn't work out the way you hoped it would? There are ways to avoid this! Here are six must-know tips for preventing financial catastrophe:

1) Make sure your business pays for itself. Otherwise you're risking giving your profits away to debtors.
2) Don't take on new debts unless you have a good reason. 
3) Create an emergency fund to protect yourself from unexpected expenses like car accidents or illnesses. 
4) Keep regular track of your finances so that you can identify any problems before they become too big to handle.
5) Don't give away profits. This could lead to a financial crisis if the business doesn't turn out as planned.
6) If you're in need of quick cash, use a credit card with low interest rates and a long grace period. These are usually the least risky option when it comes to borrowing money.
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/
Startup businesses can be risky, but there are ways to avoid financial disasters if your idea doesn't work out as you'd hoped it would. Here are six must-know tips for preventing financial catastrophe:
1) Make sure your business pays for itself. Otherwise you're risking giving your profits away to creditors.
2) Don't take on new debts unless you have a good reason.
3) Create an emergency fund to protect yourself from unexpected expenses like car accidents or illnesses.
4) Keep regular track of your finances so that you can identify any problems before they become too big to handle.
5) Don't give away profits. This could lead to a financial crisis if the business doesn't turn out as planned.
6) If you're in need of quick cash, use a credit card with low interest rates and a long grace period. These are usually the least risky option when it comes to borrowing money.
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/
This is a must-read for any business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, especially if you operate a small business. Here are six tips to avoid financial disaster: 1) Make sure your business pays for itself. 2) Don't take on new debts unless you have a good reason. 3) Create an emergency fund to protect yourself from unexpected expenses like car accidents or illnesses 4) Keep regular track of your finances so that you can identify any problems before they become too big to handle 5) Don't give away profits. This could lead to a financial crisis if the business doesn't turn out as planned 6) If you're in need of quick cash, use a credit card with low interest rates and a long grace period. These are usually the least risky option when it comes to borrowing money.
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/
There are many things that make small businesses successful, but none of them can be achieved without good management skills. Here are six tips to keep your small business running successfully: 1) Keep track of your numbers. 2) Solve problems before they become too big to handle. 3) Follow proper financial procedures. 4) Stop a financial crisis before it starts. 5) Manage your employees effectively. 6) Don't forget that you have a family and friends as well!
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/
There are many things that make small businesses successful, but none of them can be achieved without good management skills. Here are six tips to keep your small business running successfully: 1) Keep track of your numbers. 2) Solve problems before they become too big to handle. 3) Follow proper financial procedures. 4) Stop a financial crisis before it starts. 5) Manage your employees effectively. 6) Don't forget that you have a family and friends as well!
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/
There are many things that make small businesses successful, but none of them can be achieved without good management skills It is crucial to keep your business in the black and avoid making any bad business decisions that could cause it to go out of business. You should also steer clear of certain types of spending that can easily get out of hand, like any sort of gambling. However, you may be surprised to see that even vacation spending and investments are big red flags when it comes to the danger signs of a business going under. What other activities have the potential to cost your business money and potentially destroy all your hard work? Here are six preventable ways in which you could kill your business: 1) Don't spend too much on a house. 2) Avoid gambling 3) Don't go overboard on vacations 4) Avoid investments 5) Don't take on new debts 6) Trying to expand too quickly All of these things can add up and put a lot more stress on your business than is necessary. If you do find yourself spending more than you can afford, sit down and write it all out. Try to come up with a plan to cut back, because a business owner that has their finances under control is more likely to be successful!
Source: http://www.timeandmoney.com/infographic-avoiding-a-financial-crisis/911202/



http://www. timeandmoney.com/blog/post/2013/11/01/what-can-hurt-your-business



http://www.business2community .com/success-stories/22-brands-built-50000-monthly-twitter-followers-newsmagazine-timeplanner032915#ixzz3hbBgx5G5





We tend to think that business is about going out and finding new customers, and hiring as many workers as you can to make more product or service. But the reality of business is that it could easily fail before you get any customers and before you hire workers. The 20 ways you may be destroying your business are just added stressors or another way of thinking about failure.
The key is that if you do these things, the likelihood of your business failing will be high. You can prevent it from failing simply by avoiding these 20 ways of killing your business:



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