Background Checks – Quintessential In Today’s World Of Employment
Employers are increasingly using background checks before hiring new workers, and not just for the obvious reasons. Family members can also impact an employer’s decision on hiring somebody. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to consider your family as you get ready to look for a new job.
The first consideration is whether or not you have any criminal records; if so, be upfront about that with your potential employers and explain the circumstances surrounding the crime that may have led to this conviction.
The second thing is whether or not any of your relatives might give an employer reason to deny employment.
The third thing is what you can do about family members who are a professional liability. If you have a relative who is an addict or abusing drugs, for instance, it’s wise to let the employer know up front.
And lastly, as with anything else, think about longevity. If your family member has only been working at a job for short period of time, he or she may not have established a record or reputation with the employer – and that’s exactly why background checks are important for prospective employees.
While there are some families (like mine) where clown costumes will be worn on Halloween, the majority of us should understand that nothing is more important than keeping our loved ones safe.
I would suggest speaking with a family lawyer if you have a relative who is appearing in court, has ever been the victim of a crime, or is acting in an illegal way.
Good luck with your background check and having the most productive interview.
From the above link I've taken from the article, I have to say that its great that everyone is looking out for their families safety, I guess we are all lucky for not having to deal with any criminals in our families... However, I must say that I do not know how anyone could look at their family after considering that a criminal record can also damage your family's reputation, so families should really consider what they want to happen and how they want to deal with it.
I am sure that the article could be stronger and more impactful by having someone talk about what are the most common criminal records that can get you fired from a job, but I don't think it would make a huge difference in the article.
[/endARTICLE] Background Checks – Quintessential In Today’s World Of Employer The employer has an obligation to make sure his business is safe for everyone. Since an employee is a reflection of his business, he must be very careful whom he hires. The most effective way to know if the new hire is suitable for the job is to do a thorough background check. Background checks help employers in a number of ways. They help determine the criminal records, and then, help in taking appropriate action about the criminal records. It helps them in conducting background checks on prospective employees.
The actual process of hiring someone and carrying out checks on that person is not very difficult these days as all it takes is an internet connection, a computer and some information about the person being checked to get detailed information on their past.
The important thing that employers need to remember is the fact that they should not be biased or prejudice when they are conducting the background check. They should always try to get information from all possible sources and include both negative and positive information. While having a criminal record can certainly be a red flag, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person has committed a crime. In some instances such as domestic violence, it is an indicator of bad character and an inability to control impulses. A criminal record can also help in making decisions about whether or not a new hire is suitable for the job or not.
A background clearance check will help in determining how trustworthy an individual is, how loyal, and how dependable he would be in fulfilling his duties. Background checks will determine if he is the right fit for the job and will help in determining what kind of person he is. The biggest hindrance to background checks is one's privacy, but in this day and age, it really can't be helped anymore. It doesn't mean that only people with a clean record will get the job; they might have many other factors that could affect whether they are suitable for the job or not.
These days background checks on employees are ever increasing because it's very important for employers to know who their employees are and how trustworthy they are. Employers who do not use background checks are putting their businesses at risk. Background checks prevent the possibility of negligence, employee theft and inappropriate behavior towards clients or customers. It also prevents the threat of violence that could put employees, customers and others in hazardous situations.
Employers will have to have background checks if they are going to participate with vetting potential employees for employment.
The main reason why many employers conduct these types of checks is because it is a way to ensure the safety of their staff members, as well as the clients that they attract from customers from different places. And even though a criminal record makes many candidates unsuitable for employment, there are many people with a clean record who can be fit for certain jobs or positions within different companies..
The main problem with not conducting these kinds of checks is that it's much cheaper to hire someone without a background check rather than having to fire them when they have a criminal history. It also makes business owners feel more secure and less vulnerable because they know that their employees are trustworthy and won't do anything to jeopardize the company.
So while companies might want to avoid hiring people with a criminal record, there are many different cases where employers need people with a criminal record in some jobs, just like there are many cases where people with a clean record can be fit for certain jobs or positions within companies.
Sources: http://www.nytimes.
Conclusion For the common man, everyone knows that the fear of criminal conviction is often real. Once you are a delinquent in any law, you cannot do anything to be forgiven by anyone. The only way is to go back to the jail or reform. A criminal record can also become a black mark in your life that may affect your social mobility or future job opportunities.
The problem is that most of us do not know what does it mean for a person if his name appears on any law enforcement database or for that matter in any other database. Some people may have assumed that civil records would never come into consideration because they are mostly used when someone has some sort of outstanding fines and court case against him or her.