Balance Your Holidays & Business


 Balance Your Holidays & Business

I recently had a long-standing client cancel her wedding leaving me in the lurch. I was booked solid for the next three months with weddings and other events, but to say I was stressed would be an understatement.

Luckily, I stumbled across these sites that helped me pull my head above water:, and the site for 
my old office job:

I took some time off and retrained myself, reminded myself what I did best, and cut out the unnecessary stress. In this article, I'll give you three ways to balance your business and your holidays. For me, it's been a success story.

By the way…have fun on your trip (possible hint: no more keyless cars after Feb 3rd).

-Ryan Wane (q) - [Atmosphere-Dallas] - 500A Preston Royal Drive, Dallas, TX 75211 - 612-818-8310 - []

(p) - [Ryan Wane Weddings & Events] - (952) 408-9585 - []

(e) - [email protected] - [twitter:]

Legal Stuff: I wrote this article for general information purposes and my own personal use. By reading or using this article, you agree to the following: 1.) You are free to assist or distribute this information as you see fit. 2.) You may not modify, add to, delete from, or otherwise make any derivative works based on it. 3.) The content and opinions expressed here are my own and are not meant to represent the views of any company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. 4. You agree to hold harmless any 3rd party resources utilized in this article. Use of such is on your own terms and at your own risk.


Naming 101: I have a prospective client who has provided me with a list of names that he wants to use for his business. One of the names he wants to use is "ecommerce". My question is...Is there a reason why you wouldn't want to use the words "Commerce" and "E-Commerce" in your company name? And if so, what would those reasons be? Thanks!  — Terence R. Finnegan, Terre Marketing Corporation terencef [email protected]
(p) - [email protected]
(e) - [email protected]
Legal Stuff: The comments and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. The content and opinions expressed here are my own and are not meant to represent the views of any company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. Use at your own risk. This article may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.  If you would like permission to use copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.


Having a Safe Halloween: Halloween is fast approaching. I know its hard to believe that October is already here, but I need to make sure that Moms and Dads are aware of a few things for the upcoming holiday!  First Parents, when buying that costume for your child please be aware of costumes with long hair and masks or helmets. These items can be easily grabbed by other children leading them to choke on the object. Also, be careful of items with strings or ties around hands, necks and faces. These can be cut and cause injury to the child if not handled with care. Finally, make sure that you are aware of your child's surroundings. Keep an eye on them at all times, especially during trick-or-treating.  Be mindful of strangers as well! Make sure your child is in the company of a responsible person at all times. This will ensure a safe and happy Halloween for everyone! Have a Happy Halloween!
(p) - [email protected]
(e) - [email protected]
Legal Stuff: The comments and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. The content and opinions expressed here are my own and are not meant to represent the views of any company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. Use at your own risk. This article may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.  If you would like permission to use copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
An e-mail was sent out to our subscribers yesterday morning with a link in it from my brother the Doctor. I know that everyone is busy preparing for "Halloween" and so I thought I would share this with you here: It's basically about a study on how much time kids spend on their cellphones, computers, video games and other electronic/electronic based devices. Here's the link: The article goes on to say that 24 percent of kids are just chatting with friends online or playing games while they eat their breakfast.

Conclusion: A little bit of advice if you have kids, maybe limit the amount of time they spend on these devices so they can engage in family activities and play games with the family—yes I know!
(p) - [email protected]
(e) - [email protected]
Legal Stuff: The comments and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. The content and opinions expressed here are my own and are not meant to represent the views of any company, organization, institution of any kind, person or entity of any kind whatsoever. Use at your own risk.

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