Balancing Your Promotions
Building your author brand is a full-time job. And as any marketer will tell you, one of the most important aspects of building and maintaining your brand is balancing promotions. So here's our quick guide to help you understand just what it means to promote your work, and how to do it successfully without overdoing it or alienating readers.
If you're looking for some refreshingly helpful tips on promotion, this blog post is for you!
6) Phrase Your Introduction Correspondingly To The Content Of Your Blog Post
It would be hard to write an introduction that doesn't match the content of a blog post even if someone wanted to. But by following these tips you can help your readers to see how the content of your post is related to your introduction.
7) Read The Entire Blog Post Out Loud Before You Publish It
This tip is the one I use most often, and it's often overlooked by bloggers, especially when they are in a hurry to publish something. Reading it aloud helps you to catch errors, run-on sentences, and other problems that would make it difficult for people to understand what you're trying to say. So read it out loud before you hit "Publish." Then read it out loud again before somebody else reads it.
8) Use Google Alerts To Monitor Feedback And Comments About Your Blog Posts
When you publish a blog post, the last thing you want to do is have your work go unnoticed. So use Google Alerts to monitor the Internet for discussions and feedback about your blog posts. This way you won't miss out on any possible leads that could help build your business, network, or career.
9) Check The Comments On Your Blog Post To Find Out If Your Readers Are Getting It
Just because someone reads one of your blog posts doesn't mean he or she understands it. So don't assume that just because people are reading what you write means they're getting it.
That concludes the third post of this series. In this post I discussed the importance of finding your target audience, how to choose a title that grabs their attention and why you should write a detailed introduction that sets the tone for your blog post.