Banner Advertising: How Does It Work?


 Banner Advertising:  How Does It Work?

Banner advertising is the most common form of advertising that you may come across on the internet. More specifically, banner ads are often text-based ads that are displayed on websites and are typically at least 240 pixels wide.

This form of digital advertising was first developed by Sunnyvale Systems in 1994. Banner advertisers can be individuals or companies and they will typically choose how long they want their advertisement to be displayed for, so each ad is unique in this sense. Banner ads are viewed by internet users every day and the information that they contain is often irrelevant to their location.

Banner advertising has been estimated to be worth in excess of $15 billion annually, despite its relatively straightforward nature. Many organisations start out using banner ads because it is affordable, with a large number of companies able to afford this form of digital advertising.

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When an advertisement appears on a website it could either appear at the top or bottom half of the page or sometimes even both. Banner ads can also be placed to the side of a webpage or even in the middle.

According to Alexa, advertising companies such as Google and Yahoo! generate millions of dollars from advertising each month through the use of banner ads, alongside other forms of online advertising. In fact, it is believed that an astonishing $21 billion is spent on online advertising each year.
Travel websites are commonly associated with banner advertisements as they offer companies an opportunity to promote certain destinations and appeal to people who are planning their holidays. Many organisations will also make use of banner ads if they are launching a new product or service in order to gain attention and encourage individuals to learn more about what they have on offer. This is known as announcement marketing.

Banner ads have been used to advertise a wide range of products and services, from car dealerships to dog grooming. However, they are also used in more unusual ways, such as by companies who want to promote their products or services in a heavy metal scene and by companies who want to raise awareness of another organisation. Banner ads can also be used by people who are promoting themselves on the internet. For example, a singles dating website may use banner ads to promote the types of people that they are looking for based on age or location.

As an increasing number of people browse the internet they are likely to come across advertisements that are not relevant to their current situation, but this does not necessarily mean that banner ads are not effective as many people will still click on it to find out more about a particular product or service.

Banner advertising is often used by companies who are promoting products and services that do not require any kind of interaction from the user. This is because banner ads will continue to be displayed on a website even if there is no one viewing it at that particular time. The text that appears within banner ads tends to be brief, but it will make reference to what a company has available for sale or what they can offer in terms of their service.

For example, if a company is promoting a new smart phone they may place an ad on a website that simply reads 'smart phones'. It is not necessary for banner ads to contain images as text-based advertisements can be effective without them. However, some companies do choose to include pictures in their adverts in order to make them more appealing.

Banner advertising has been used by many companies and it is still commonly used on the internet today. It can be used by organisations who are launching new products or services and it can also be used by individuals or groups who want to promote themselves through their website.

When you visit a website you will typically be able to view the banner ads that are placed on that particular website. Banner ads are a great way for organisations to learn about what their customers want and also to gain more attention for their products and services. Overall, banner advertising can be effective as there is no cost associated with it, which means that it can be used by companies who would not normally be able to afford this form of digital advertising.

It is important that when creating your own website or blog that you have targeted advertising in mind; especially if your aims are related to the internet. It may seem straightforward but web developers should look at the banner ad format and think about whether they consider it worthwhile. After all, they may have the opportunity to earn money from advertising placed on the webpages they have developed.

Banner ads have been used by many different companies and organisations over the years, including Yahoo! and Google; both of which generate a large amount of revenue through advertisements. In fact, it is thought that advertising generates an impressive $21 billion each year.

The majority of banner ads are displayed in text-based format and these are usually quite large in size, with some even reaching up to 728 pixels wide. This form of online marketing has been around for more than twenty years and many consider them to be effective as there is no cost involved in creating them.

There are many different types of banner ads that can be used by organisations and individuals, including animated ones. For example, if a company is promoting a new product many different images could be used to create a unique advertisement for their product or service.

Banner advertising has been around for over five decades and it has been widely used in order to promote various products and services; from companies who manufacture food items to those who design audio equipment.

In 1999, Yahoo! started placing banner advertisements on its homepage in order to catch the eye of people who were browsing the internet. The result was that people started noticing Yahoo's website and there were also millions of people viewing the banner adverts that had appeared online at that time.

Google have also made use of banner ads on their homepage and this has led to a lot of traffic being directed towards their website as people look at these adverts. It is thought that advertising has generated revenue in excess of $1 billion for Google and they are now the largest provider of advertisements.

Experts believe that banner ads are still very effective, especially if you consider that a company can place them on a lot of different websites, which means that it will catch the attention of many people. The cost of these ads can vary depending upon how much space is required and how long they will be displayed. However, typically there is no charge involved with placing an ad in this format.


Banner ads are a great method of advertising on the web. They can also be used by people who have a website that they would like to promote and this can be very effective for those who earn their living from their website. However, there are some drawbacks that you should consider before using them as you might not want to spend any money on them if you are not earning anything from your website. For example, if your website is not making any money then it will be difficult for visitors to see why this is the case, which suggests that banner adverts fall down in terms of overall effectiveness.

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