Be Imaginative


 Be Imaginative

Possible Topics:
- Imagination
- The Importance of Imagination

"Imagination is the largest and most significant of all our natural talents. It is more important than talent, intelligence, or anything else." - Carl Sagan, American astronomer and author. Without imagination we would not be able to think up ideas like the Baha Men's "Who Let The Dogs Out", and we would probably feel quite cut off from the world around us. Our imaginations are responsible for a lot — they drive creativity in art, science, writing, and many other fields. They give us an idea of what is possible and make the world seem so huge and interesting. Imagination is also central to how we learn. We learn by imagining things happening such as a baby's first walk down a street.
The pitfall of imagination can be that it can sometimes get away from us, whether it's immature writing like Flash Gordon or bad ideas like drugs that make you feel good. However, growing minds need imaginative thinking to form new ideas, solve problems, and create solutions. The more imaginative people are the better they will fare in life in both academic and job related areas.
What exactly is imagination? Webster's New World Dictionary defines it as "the power to visualize and invent, especially as a creative activity."   Imagination is the act of forming new ideas in your head, whether they be personal or fictional. It is the ability to take a situation and think of what would happen if it were different.   An example of this might be, if you saw a large dog that looked angry, you might imagine what it would be like if he came after you. Or if someone told you that they were going out on a date one night, and then you heard screaming later on in the evening, your mind may start weaving together images of them getting into an accident or making out. Imagination is an important part of creativity, whether the process involves writing, inventing, or performing. As you grow older your imagination can either fade or become more relevant.
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." — Carl Sagan. This quote shows how imagination can take us to places that may not exist but still help us think past the boundaries we face today. Imagination is a limitless tool and without it humans would be pretty limited in what they could accomplish and have fun with. It can take us places we have never been, give us ideas and help us perform better in school as well as in life's challenges. Imagination is something that cannot be taught but can be learned. The key to imagination is first to identify what imagination is and practice having it appear inside of your head.
When you imagine, focus on the details of whatever it could possibly be — not just what you're imagining but what you are imagining as well. If you don't see the details such as a person's hair or clothes, do not worry about them because they will come to you later. You may have seen a person from a distance and then later on the clothing may come into your mind. It is all in the process of imagining and practicing it that can make you better at it.  
When you are imagining remember to be creative — this is something that we all need to be reminded of. Be creative and go outside of your comfort zone, the ideas may surprise you and make the world even more interesting. The key is to never give up when thinking of new ideas, there are billions of possibilities for whatever it is you're thinking about. Keep your mind open to new things and focus on what can be done rather than what cannot.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." — Albert Einstein
It is a very good idea to imagine things that you would not normally think of because this helps you get past your own boundaries. Imagination will always change things, which is what makes the world so colorful. It helps you stay proactive in your thinking and gives a new perspective on life's situations. 
The importance of imagination can help you in any field of study as well as in your job related areas. It can help you come up with solutions to problems and solve them, as well as helping you make new connections when doing research for projects. It can also help you think of different topics for school papers, which are the most important aspect to the grade in most schools. Remember to look at everything from a new perspective and problem-solve from it. When learning something new, spend some time imagining what it would be like if it was different, and you will learn much better when seeing things like a person walking down the street instead of seeing an image of someone sprinting between buildings.
"Here's one way to develop imagination: Stand on your head. You'll see the entire world from a different point of view." — Ray Bradbury.
How To Make Imagination Work For You
Imagination is important because it can take you anywhere you want to go. However, how do we learn how to improve our imaginations? According to the American magazine, Psychology Today, imagination is something that can be learned and practiced. Its author, Dr. Peter J. Fagan, says that he learned this technique while a child while having fun with his older brother and their friend's toys. He learned that with a little imagination he could make all of the toys do the things that they were not supposed to be doing. This was his first experience with thinking outside of the box and how with a little imagination we can change things around and make them what we want them to be.
Here are some other tricks on how you can use your imagination:
1) Try to see things in your mind's eye. Some people may call this visualization or daydreaming, but it is still using your imagination.

Conclusion Imagination is a vital part of everyone's life. It is the ability to think of things in your head that may not actually exist, but make the world more interesting and colorful. Imagination helps you grow and change with new ideas and ways of thinking, which can help you throughout your academic life as well as your job or career. Imagination does start at a young age, but can be learned or practiced by most anyone if they are willing to give it a try.
It is important that you understand the importance of imagination because it can change everything around to what you want it to be.

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