Be Persuasive When You Sell


 Be Persuasive When You Sell

The goal of sales is to get the customer to buy your products. It's as simple as that - and so it's important not just to know how to sell, but also how to avoid losing a sale. Here are some strategies you can use when you're on the phone with an interested customer, in person, or through digital media.

You want everyone who crosses your path (or social media feed) to be persuaded by what they see, hear and read. Whether it's writing an article that will help them solve a problem or helping them find their true love with Tinder (just kidding!), this guide will teach you how you can make sure everything goes your way.

2. Your "Yes" List

The first step in any sales process is to get someone's attention. That means you'll have to do something man or woman (or alien) has never done before - meet a perfect stranger.

Make a list of everyone who might be interested in what you have to say or show them. You can do this with free tools, like LinkedIn and Facebook, but the easiest approach is to take out a piece of paper and physically write down the names of anyone who is either already on your "Yes" list or who falls into the criteria you're looking for (in terms of your product, skill set, etc.

I got this idea from a book called The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man , which will teach you how to make good things happen in your life.

3. Have A Conversation With Yourself

Let's assume you meet a stranger, tell them about what you have to offer, and then they say "Yes!" What do you do next? You have several options: I've broken each one down below, and listed the pros and cons of each. Here's what I came up with:

Write down every option that pops into your head. I've given you the outline, but here's a basic example:

Option 1: I can talk about my product with them.

Pro: If the customer has a need for my product, this is the easiest way to get them to use it. Maybe they didn't understand how it works, or need more information before making a decision. Maybe they just want to see what makes me special - and if you're a DJ and your product is spinning kicks and snares upside down while rhyming about how dope your life is, you probably want to show them that right away! This option lets you sell straight from the get go.

Con: If you don't have something that the customer needs, it may be wise to run more research and move on to option 2.

Option 2: I can call them later. I've just been in the same room with them, and now all I have to do is pick up the phone and start talking about my product.

Pro: You're not waiting for a "yes" and you're not revealing your product until you know your prospect actually wants it (if they do). This builds a solid rapport, can show off your personality, and also lets you practice sales skills before actually going in ("hey, this is what I do. Here's how I can help you").

Con: You'll need to make a plan to follow up later. You've got a lot of options here, depending on your product and the context of your conversation. Here's where I'd suggest looking at what the pros and cons are for each. It might take a little time, but it's worth it to build a relationship in person (or in this case, over the phone) before working on a return visit as well.

Option 3: I can show them my demo unit. This is similar to option 2 because you're going over your product, but with video and pictures instead of talking about yourself (which leads us into option 4).

Pro: You can make a much bigger impact with visuals over just audio. This is what companies like GoPro do, which has been a huge success for them in the past few years. They make amazing content, and people want to see more of it because it's awesome.

Con: It's hard to demo something when you don't have the product. That's where option 5 comes in handy...

Option 4: I can show them my product online (on my website, on a video that other people uploaded, etc.). This way I get to talk about what I offer without having any sort of physical thing to demonstrate immediately (which is why you need option 5).

Pro: There is no longer a need to invest in demo units because you can show people your product with simple video links. Whether it's just a video or a blog post, this is the new way to advertise - and it works!

Con: You have to spend time building up that online presence. You need to be sure that when people go to your website, or check out any other media you have online, they're going to see something that makes them want what you're selling. Whether you're making top quality videos like GoPro, or doing something else entirely (like writing a blog), you have to be smart about how you advertise yourself - and that takes some time.

No matter what option you choose, the key is to be patient and persistent. Even if the person says "Yes! I want it!", that doesn't mean they'll definitely buy, especially right away. You have to strike up a conversation, ask them a million questions ("what do you need this for? How does it get delivered?"), then follow up with an email or a phone call with everything you talked about in detail.

4. Have A Conversation With Your Target Customer

Once you choose an option, there are various ways to start the conversation... but since you made your "Yes" list in step 2, why not work with them to see what they want? Here are some ideas on how to do that:

Ask them a question. If you're face-to-face, "what would make it easier for me to help you find what you need?" is a good place to start. If you're on the phone (or email), "what is the biggest problem that I can solve for you?" is another good opener.

Ask them to imagine how they would feel if they were able to use your product or service now and their life turned out the way they wanted it to. This is a good way to start a conversation because it gets them thinking and imagining (and why wouldn't you want that?).

You can also ask them what kind of conversations you can have with other people who might need your product, services, etc.

5. Written Communication (email & phone)

It's time to get creative! Start with email, then move on to phone calls if your prospect has expressed an interest in talking with you.


Always remember that it's a conversation. You're going to have to put on your best shoes and show some patience... but if you can do that, you'll go far. Keep it up for several months, or even years, and you'll be able to create whatever you want wherever you want!

Once again, here is the template:

Step 1: Write down every person who has said "Yes!" to your offer in the past.

Step 2: Give them a call or email them with a question like this:

"I was just thinking about the last time we talked about [your product].

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