Be Rebellious


 Be Rebellious

In the year 2018, being rebellious is a privilege. Here are 17 ways that you can be rebellious for a day to help shake up your life and make things more interesting. From not getting caught up in getting out of bed to razoring your bangs, these tricks will make you feel like a renegade.

Being rebellious can help you become more fun and memorable, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How Headphones Make You Smarter".

In today's world where we are surrounded by information 24/7 most people tend to tune everything out - even themselves. Listening to music while working, reading in bed and while doing anything else really is like pouring fuel on the fire. Headphones on the other hand are the perfect antidote to burnout.

Not only do they help you focus in these various moments, but they can also be a great tool when it comes to strengthening many aspects of your brain.

Take a look at this infographic for some ideas for your blog post:

(Picture from A Creative Writing Guide)

Write an introduction to a creative essay titled "Why You Should Always Make Your Own Match".

There are many stories about how making your own stuff can be both cheap and more effective than when you buy things. From your own food to the clothes on your back, this is a skill that all of us should be taking, especially since it is all around us.

What could you do with this skill? Make your own dog food or homemade toothpaste (both are seriously beneficial!) Make some socks! This can even extend to knitting - if you need a new hat don't spend money on one, and instead knit one yourself.

You can always check out this website for lots of different DIY projects:

(Picture from A Creative Writing Guide)

Write an introduction to a diary entry titled "The Experience of Getting Sued".

If you're a freelancer, this could be more important than you think. Whether it's a blogger getting sued, or someone who created graphics for the internet, getting sued is not the end of the world. Here are some simple ideas on what you can do to avoid being sued and potentially having your work destroyed for good:

Assume that everything will be stolen (even if it's not).

Understand that at some point, you're going to have to get sued.

When your work is finished and you're about to put it out onto the internet, be sure to send a DMCA takedown notice. This will protect you from having your work stolen, but not necessarily help you if someone goes ahead and steals your work anyways.

If someone has stolen your work and they are selling it or using it on their website, it is best to send them a Cease & Desist letter (which basically says "stop what you're doing or else"). If they do not comply with this request then you can sue them for their actions.

Either way, once you have this information it would be good to have a legal team on standby to help with any potential questions you may have.

There are tons of resources out there for this type of case, but two that I like are and

(Picture from A Creative Writing Guide)

Write an introduction to a poem titled "Zombie Apocalypse".

Since the beginning of time, people have wondered what life would be like if a zombie apocalypse occurred. While we can't really know for sure what the future holds, there are still a few things that you can do to prepare for such an event (whatever it may be).

Here are a few tips on how you can prepare for whatever the future may bring:

Know your strengths and weaknesses - Some people can run marathons without stopping, and others need to take regular breaks. These people will fare much better than those who just plow through everything. Take this into account when deciding what types of activities to engage in during your time.

Know what you need to get by. - If you don't know how you'll be able to survive, then it might be best for you to stockpile what will help ensure your survival and take just a little bit of time to prepare for this hypothetical event.

(Picture from A Creative Writing Guide)

Write an introduction to a short story titled "Misery Loves Company".

Ever since the first story was told, humans have been telling stories about the everyday lives of people far away. Some stories have made a deep impact on our thoughts, while others are just meant as a way for us to pass the time when we're waiting in line somewhere. Stories allow us to escape and if your life is feeling dull, this might be a great idea.

Here are some small tips you can use to write your own meandering story:

Start with a simple idea and build upon it - Remember that you're writing a story, so you need to make sure that each sentence is relevant to the idea that you're saying. Think of this as the beginning of the book and record these sentences as the first chapter.

Be open-minded about what happens next – Don't worry about what people will think about your story if it ends up poorly because you have no control over how things work out. This will help you when you have finished your story.

Place the reader in your story – If you can place yourself in the story, then it will help you to know what happens next and what's relevant for the reader.

(Picture from A Creative Writing Guide)

Write an introduction to a blog post titled "How should I focus on getting my website listed well on Search Engines".

Just like there are many details that are important when it comes to SEO, so too there are lots of things that may not be needed at all. Getting your site listed well on search engines can be a tedious task as well as an expensive one. Here are some simple tips on how to optimize your site and save time while still getting results:

Don't over-optimize your main keywords – Using too many words can actually hurt you in the long run.

Make sure that you've used the right title tags – This is something that takes a lot of time, but will really help optimize your site.

Use lots of different keywords – using more than five keywords will help both search engines and humans know what the site is about quickly.

Be nice to your users – Adding links to important content on other sites (as well as yours) can help you to get better rankings because of this.


Hopefully this article gave you a few ideas on how to keep your writing in the right mindset. As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of ways to improve your writing, and this article barely scratches the surface. If you have any other suggestions or ideas that you'd like to share feel free to leave a comment below.

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