Be Single Minded


 Be Single Minded

What does it mean to be single minded? 
-Being driven by a single goal.
-Steering your life in one direction.
-Never wavering from your path. 

In this post, we will explore how someone can be single minded and what it takes to focus all of their attention on one goal. We will also show you how being single minded can help you achieve success in life, as well as the pros and cons of being a person who focuses on just one project or idea at any given time.
-Derek Sivers

Being single minded is focusing all of your attention on a single goal. Single minded people don't get distracted by other issues that are not directly relevant to the project they are working on. They have the ability to make decisions quickly and follow through with them without deviating from their plan. 
The definition of being single minded found in the dictionary states that it means: "Having only one purpose or intention; narrowly concentrated". The definition also talks about having "one set of beliefs". However, we believe that having a single intention or belief is not what being focused means. It is more about one goal, aspiration or driving force in life. It is also important to know what an obstacle to single mindedness is. Circumstances that are distracting and which pull you away from your goals are obstacles. The stronger these obstacles are, the more difficult it will be to stay single minded.
Single minded people have a strong work ethic and the ability to focus on their goal for years on end. A person who has a strong work ethic will often start at a young age, with the idea of working towards a career that gives them satisfaction meaning that they go beyond their job description, in order to learn more about their field and eventually get promoted into something they enjoy doing. This will ensure that they enjoy their work and are more productive. If a person is single minded about their career, this can help them to be productive throughout their life and to do many things with their life that may not be directly related to their work, but still contribute to the goal of being successful.
There are many advantages to having a single focus in life, but there are also disadvantages. The advantage of being single minded is that if you have the goal of getting better at something, you will make an effort to get better at it and become great at it. You would not be distracted by other goals or hobbies that might distract you from achieving your goal since these would not be relevant to the project you are working on. This means that you will be able to spend a lot of time on this project and will never miss important deadlines. This is an advantage because you won't have to spend time doing things that are not directly related to your goal or goal. You live in the moment and are able to keep things simple, therefore you are less likely to get stressed about what to do next. Another advantage of being single minded is having more focus, which allows a person to improve their work ethic and discipline over time.
One disadvantage of being single minded is a lack of variety in life which can lead towards experiencing boredom. It is important to have a few enjoyable hobbies to keep you from getting bored. Being single minded can also be difficult to maintain when you separate from your project. If you go away on holiday, are on a gap year, or are simply away from your activity for a while, it can be very tricky to get back into the same mindset you were in when you were single minded. 
People who are single minded often end up in jobs that they don't necessarily enjoy at first. However, because they are focused on their goal and do not waste time doing things that will distract them from reaching their goal, they become well paid for doing the work that they do enjoy. They may also go on to do a completely different type of work that they enjoy doing after achieving success at their previous job. 

It is hard to be single minded in a world that wants you to be many things at once and does not believe in being good at just one thing. Single minded people often need to deviate from the norm and become successful in life by taking risks and going against social norms that tell everyone it is better to follow their passion or do what they are interested in doing. The reality is; you may be passionate about a few different things, but when it comes down to it, most likely there will only be just one thing you're really great at doing. If you like doing something, be the best at it; if you don't like doing something, don't pretend that you love it just because your parents raised you to believe that is the right thing to do. 
There is a famous quote by the legendary business man Peter Drucker: "What matters and what doesn't is not what we do, but how we do it." 
Luckily for us, Drucker was single minded. He believed in his goal of having a deeper understanding of business and an interest in improving the world around him. He followed this single minded path throughout his life and became an incredibly successful leader in business. 
Most of the world would be happy to be ordinary and just "do their best" at doing whatever they do. Not everyone sees the value in being a leader and not everyone wants to be a leader. However, it is possible for some people to be exceptional at one single thing that they are passionate about and not take that passion for granted. It is also possible for them to make an impact on others because of this passion which can have a great impact on many people's lives including your own.
It may seem hard to believe that being single minded about various different things can have such a positive effect on your life, but it is true. You will be able to do things that you love and that you may not have been able to do if you were a multi-tasker. The real winner of life is the person who is the most focused. People who are single minded often achieve more than those who are unfocused. 
If you are interested in improving your career and work ethic, there are two good online resources for this:
"The Inverted Locus of Control" by Dr. Rob Horowitz
"Peter Drucker: The Last Great Business Philosopher" by Michael Kidrill
One misconception that people have about being single minded is thinking it means not having any compassion or emotions towards others, or not having the ability to empathise with them when they need help.

Conclusion: Being single minded is a great way to have a life of your own. If you decide you want to be that person, you need to take full responsibility for your actions and how they affect others. You also need to make sure that you are not ignoring the needs of others, even though you may think it is all about yourself. An example would be never leaving your house without telling someone else where you are going and when you will be back.
Focus on what drives and motivates you, in the end your work can be something that brings happiness into your life.

Drucker, Peter (2013). "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. .

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