Become The Go - To Expert In Your Industry


 Become The Go - To Expert In Your Industry

Becoming the go-to expert in your industry is possible. If you’re a professional looking to jumpstart your career, here are some tips to help you become the king of your niche:

First, don’t be afraid to switch fields. Experts in many different industries have discussed that it takes 10 years for an expert skill to become commonplace and price-accessible. By taking just one year outside of your current field and reinventing yourself as an expert in another field, you can quickly make up the lost time and get ahead of the game before anyone else catches on.
Second, create an online presence where other professionals will find you. Search engines allow you to create detailed profiles with information about yourself and your work, which will help people find you. Be sure to share your profile across social media platforms, like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Third, write a book! Growing a reputation as an expert isn’t just about talking: it’s about writing. Writing technical articles is one of the most effective ways to quickly establish yourself as a go-to expert in your industry. You should focus on topics that guide others through the industry state of affairs of your own expertise.
Finally, get the word out about your brand by investing in local advertising. By taking out ads on local radio or newspaper, you can reach new potential clients without having to expand your business outside of your current area or travel far from home.
Finally, don’t be afraid to talk about the future instead of just past events. Many people write articles that talk about what happened in the past; this is fine, but you should also regularly discuss what could happen in the future too! If you take a step back and see what everyone else is doing and how everyone else is talking about the future, you will no doubt discover that these opinion-leaders are not thinking outside of the box. You should be able to show them why they need a new expert to think for them.
I will try to create a new article soon. If you have any questions or comments, write a comment and I will get back to you.
Stay tuned for more amazing blogs coming soon :).
FYI: I will be attending  this two weeks course on " How To Promote A Product In Two Weeks " with Jeffrey Walker. Follow me on twitter: @mr_py_guy and click the links below, to find out more information about this course! [ARTICLE START]
If you want to know how to promote your product in less than two weeks, read more here ➥
Hey, I'm just starting my juicing business and I have a lot of questions regarding prices. What are the cheap juicers? Or how much should I charge? How can I start charging less than $10 per serving? Will people pay more than that? My main goal is to make as much money as possible; is that possible with juicing (before taxes)?  
This may take you some time to figure out.  You need to learn how much you can charge and the correct portion size for each product. That should lead you to the proper pricing. I am not the person to give all of your answers here. There is a big market online and out there that is in need of this product, and other people are selling it at a cheap price.  Think about things like manufacturing costs and where you are located (the competition may be close by).  This will help you make the decision on how much to charge for your product. If you can't find anything with these questions in mind, then you can't afford to start your business.   Stay tuned for an update on this subject soon, when I have more information for you.    
How can I find my local farmers markets? What should I look for before choosing a farmers market to sell at?
A farmers market is the perfect place to begin selling your own product.  You will be able to see exactly where it is that your product is being sold, and you can make changes in accordance with customer demands. You are also able to see who your competition is and what they are doing right.  It also allows you to gain feedback from potential customers on issues such as price, portion size, and quality.  Many people go to the farmers market day after day so you will have plenty of opportunities to woo them into purchasing your product. Also, visit my blog at:
How can I start a successful juice business? What is the best way to go about starting my own juice company?
The first step is to educate yourself on what it means to start a business and how to properly run one.  You need to be able to answer fundamental questions such as: What do you do if you can't meet demand? How will you issue refunds? How do you enforce acceptable customer behavior? You need to understand that even though it's not your fault, it will always be your problem.  There will always be bad apples in your business.  Nothing will ever be perfect, and that's okay.  The important thing is that you are able to adjust as necessary.  You also need to understand how to keep accurate records of all transactions, so that you can issue refunds and such if needed.  It's unfortunate, but it does happen sometimes with new businesses. It's also important to have a good accountant -- someone who understands the rules of running a business and can help you navigate them when necessary.  This person can also help you plan your taxes so that they're no worse than they have to be.  The last thing you need is to lose more money than you made in the first place. It's also important to get all the permits and licenses that are required for your business before you even begin advertising it. Check with local and state health codes, your city office, and the federal government for regulations on businesses such as yours. Finally, choose your location wisely -- this can drastically affect how much money you make or lose.  You want a large population base nearby because that will help with both demand and competition (more people = more customers).  Don't think that you have to open a store in a major city; it's possible to have your own store in the middle of nowhere.  Just learn how to blend with your community.  This is important because it can be very easy for people to ignore your product if they don't live in the same general area as you.
What are some things that I can do to increase my sales? How can I fix my website so that it will bring me more customers?
The most important thing you can do is educate yourself on how to properly run a business.  You also need to understand how online marketing works, and how sometimes it may not be realistic for your business model.

The best place to start is on your own website.  This is a place where you can have control over all aspects of your business.  If you have time, you can try to advertise on other websites.  It's good to understand basic SEO techniques and the psychology behind advertising, but don't expect a large return on them (they are meant for large corporations that make huge donations).  It's important to stay focused on your main goal: to make money from your business. Make sure that each customer that purchases from you is satisfied, so that they will bring their friends back -- which will lead to more sales for your business in the future.

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