Best Advertising For Small Business


 Best Advertising For Small Business

You may have heard the term thrown around, but maybe you're not quite sure what it means. Put simply, advertising is promoting a product or service with the intent of getting people to buy them. Advertising can be done in many ways — from television ads to billboards, subway cars, and even bus shelters — but no matter how you do it, your effectiveness as an advertiser depends on its ability to capture attention.

Here are three types of advertising for small businesses that are worth exploring:

-Television commercials    -Bus shelter ads
Which one will be most effective for your business? Each type has strengths and weaknesses that should be explored before you rush into anything.

A billboard is the most effective for small businesses because it is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising. If you're in a big city, you can expect the price tag to run between $2,500 and $3,000 per month. And given the right location — away from other billboards, say along a highway or highway-adjacent area — traffic drivers should notice your product within 5 seconds. Good locations with high visibility include:
1) Interstates and highways
2) Major boulevards or thoroughfares
3) In dense urban areas with lots of foot traffic
If you're not in a major metropolitan area, don't give up hope just yet. Some billboards in less-dense areas can still get a fair amount of traffic, especially if they're near popular destinations. For example, there's a billboard in my hometown that reads "John's Motel" with an arrow pointing to the left. Given the name and location, it's likely most people who drive by will know that John is advertising his motels.
2) Radio ads
A radio ad is an effective way to advertise for small businesses for several reasons:
1) People notice them in the car — either as background or foreground noise — and are more likely to take notice than they are with other forms of advertising.
2) People driving often hear them in the car, so you can use these ads to piggyback on their interest by advertising for your small business. Given that people seem to be doing the same thing over and over, it's an effective way to reach them without a lot of effort.
3) Because people are quite mobile online today, radio ads are one of the few ways where you can really target out-of-state drivers. If you advertise on radio stations in one state but not another (via a local partner or through a national ad agency), you'll be able to reach drivers coming into your state who are familiar with that particular station.
4) Radio stations are local, so ads run in your area will be seen by local people. As a result, radio ads can lead to more in-person interactions.
5) Radio ads aren't intrusive — listeners choose to listen to stations, and most radio ads take the form of short jingles or 15-second spots.
Advertising on buses is best for small businesses that are interested in an unconventional approach with high visibility. For example, advertising on buses can be effective for an entertainment venue or a new restaurant that's trying to increase awareness of their location.
Advertising on buses requires a good deal of planning. You'll have to find the right time of day to present your message (either at certain times of the day, or on a specific route). You'll also need to figure out who is going to be driving; you don't want competition for someone who's looking to buy.
Advertising on buses can be costly, both in terms of cost and in terms of time. Finding adults responsible enough and qualified enough to drive buses can be difficult, so most businesses that advertise on buses have some sort of incentive that they can offer these adults. 
The best advertising for small business is the kind that really captures attention — the kind that's memorable. As you consider these three types of advertising, make sure you take a look at what your competition is doing and find out what works best for them.
Find Your Advertising Plan on the Small Business Ideas Website
If you're serious about finding a way to advertise for small business in 2013, then check out our new advertising page at . We'll show you the exact steps to take to come up with a marketing plan that works in today's market!
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This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of  SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of  SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
(c) 2013  No reproduction or republication without prior written consent.
This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of  SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of  SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
(c) 2013  No reproduction or republication without prior written consent. This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
(c) 2013  No reproduction or republication without prior written consent.
This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of  SmallBusinessIdeas .com or its parent company, JOTI Inc.
(c) 2013  No reproduction or republication without prior written consent. This blog is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult an attorney. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of SmallBusinessIdeas .

Advertising is one of the most effective ways to market a small business today. How you advertise is up to you; there are many choices available to you, and which one you choose will depend heavily on your product or service and your local market.
Look around and see what you can find: check out the businesses in your area, see what they're doing, and ask yourself whether their advertising strategy would work in your area. If not, come up with a way to make it work for your product or service!
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