Best Result For Pay Per Click Advertising Search Engine Advertising Internet


 Best Result For Pay Per Click Advertising Search Engine Advertising Internet

Many companies and individuals are using PPC (pay per click) to drive traffic to their websites. In this post, you'll find research and advice on how to create ads that will win the most clicks. You'll discover how a few simple changes can double or triple your return on investment. Plus, you'll learn the best times of day and days of the week to spend your budget so as not to waste it!

In addition, you'll also receive a list of tools you should be using for optimization and management as well as important words for successful campaigns. And the last thing you'll find is the best places to advertise your website.

When to start?

I suggest you begin with a small campaign. You don't want to bungle it and pay two or three times as much as you need to. And if you do suffer a few dud clicks it's no big deal, things will work out in the long run.

Start with basic text ads. Use your main keyword and a few variations on it. This is a good way to get a feel for how Google's pay per click advertising works . You'll want to know what makes up a winning campaign before you move on to more advanced techniques.

How do you select keywords?

You should use long tail keywords (related phrases) and not just single words or the names of your products. When using these less popular terms, you pay less for each click but usually get fewer clicks overall. The trick is to come up with just the right combination of words so that you get traffic while still minimizing your costs.

What makes a winning ad?

You'll need a headline that encourages the reader to click on your ad. If it doesn't say exactly what your product or service does, your ad won't get clicked. Plus, the headline should be clear and concise and about 70 characters long. Use the main keyword twice in the headline.

For example: You might try "Best Result For Pay Per Click Advertising Search Engine Advertising Internet." Keep it simple and always check to see if you are using your main keyword just once in the body of the ad.

In the body of your ad, you might want to include the main keyword once or twice more. Remember, you want people to click on your ad so it's important to tell them exactly what they can expect when clicking. If you don't make it clear, they won't be able to decide if it's something they are interested in.

How do you write a winning ad?

Here are some suggestions: Always include a call to action in your ad. You have just 70 characters to make an impression so use them! Let them know what they will get if they read more or click on your ad. For example "Get Your Free Report Now" or "Learn More by Clicking Here. Experts Only."

Always include your main keyword in the headline. If you don't, the searcher may skip over your ad thinking it doesn't apply to him or her. The headline is more important than any other part of your ad for two reasons: It is often the only thing people read on a page so it can make or break an ad. It is used to rank your ad in search results so using a high-quality, relevant keyword will make more money for you than just one word does.

Be sure that the research you have done for your keywords shows up in your advertising copy. Both Google and Bing have great tools that can help with this task including Jeetoonet and Doubleclick's Ad Research Finder. You should also have your ad proofread by a professional before you launch it so this part of the process is worth paying someone to do.

What words are best?

You'll want to use the most popular words in your industry and also those that are related to what you sell. You can find these lists on sites like Keywords Everywhere, Wordtracker and Keyword Tool Pro and add them to your collection of keywords that come up most often when you search for them. If any of these come up in the headlines or ads for your competitors, switch to a different keyword.

Name Branding Tip: When buying a domain name check the TLD (top level domain) as well as the keywords associated with it. The TLDs below .com include .org and .net which can increase your search traffic as well. And it's a good idea to ask about additional keywords associated with the name of your new site.

How do you manage the media?

There are a lot of different options for managing your ads. You can use your own website, AdWords, Bing Ads or Facebook since they all have interfaces that make it easy to track campaign performance and adjust pay per click settings and bids.

If you're running through Google AdWords, use the tools to see what you're getting in return for each click:  Google Analytics will tell you how many people are seeing your ad when they look at pages that contain it.

Google AdWords' Keyword Tool can help you discover new keywords related to the main ones you are already using.

Google Trends can help you know when your product is more in demand. Google Alerts can tell you what people are saying about your product or service on the Web so you can keep an eye on that conversation. And finally, Google offers a range of features for managing PPC campaigns that I won't cover in this post. But if you're interested in learning more, there is a lot of information available on the web. Just do a search for "google adwords" and then use some of their tips and tools to optimize your PPC campaign.

One last tip...

Get a good price. When choosing a PPC ad provider, pay attention to their pricing. Most don't offer the best deal but some will. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't see the exact solution you want or can live with. It's also smart to check with your competition that advertise through a particular company before signing up for anything since sometimes this information isn't available on their websites. A good PPC ad provider should take care of everything for you and make it as easy as possible for new advertisers to start making money from search ads.

Advertising can be a competitive business. Most businesses are competing for the same number of buyers so advertising as a way to find new customers and grow your business is a smart choice. PPC ads are just one way to do your search marketing but they can pay off like any other marketing tool if you use them correctly and get good results.

Good luck!

Category: Google Adwords, PPC Marketing, Tools & Resources, Web Marketing

posted by Gail:: 7:03 PM EST on 04/16/2014


You can't speak of search marketing without giving credit to Google AdWords (Google's automated PPC platform). It started in the early 2000s and has made an impact that few other technologies have.

The name is appropriate because it is the engine that drives all the rest of Google's operations but you know what? It's also the only option for advertisers who have not yet heard of it. So make sure PPC ads are a part of your strategies. And if you're an advertiser, use PPC ads to their fullest advantage while they're still growing in popularity.

For more information on how to use PPC, visit our website at

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