Best Small Business Idea -- Get Focused And Get Going


 Best Small Business Idea -- Get Focused And Get Going

As entrepreneurs, it's easy to get spread too thin or distracted. You're so caught up in the day-to-day that you forget why you started your business in the first place. That's not good for your bottom line, but it makes it hard to build a business focused on what you love and do well. But we've got a solution: focus! Here are some ways to get focused and make sure you're working on what matters most by removing distractions from your life that can keep you from doing the things necessary to grow your new business.

"The best time for planning is when there is no time. " – Eisenhower

Eisenhower was right. If you wait for a "perfect" time to plan, it will never come. What you need to do is to schedule some time every week to get focused and make sure you're on track and achieving your goals. [Read more…]

By: Peter Shankman | FastCompany | 5/11/2014 [INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK]

Title: Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus On What They Do Best; And Not Try To Do It All Themselves

"If you want something done well, sometimes it's best to leave doing it yourself.

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