Better Than E-mail, Guaranteed


 Better Than E-mail, Guaranteed

Email is by far one of the most frustrating and time-wasting tasks people deal with on a daily basis. From repeatedly checking and responding to your inbox to scrolling through long threads to send replies, email can be a huge chore. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with the mounting number of tasks you must do, then it's time for an alternative. Fortunately, there are many apps that can help, including MailBird and SparkMailer. Both are cloud-based email platforms that can help you improve your workflow and get more done faster.

MailBird is unique because it's the first email platform to offer a full suite of integrated collaboration tools with built-in productivity apps such as Google Docs and other productivity softwares. This means you can seamlessly work with your peers on an important project in the same environment where you send and receive emails. You can also manage customer support, send invoices, create social media posts and more without ever leaving your inbox.

Another benefit of MailBird is its support for all types of files, including Microsoft Office documents and images. Emails are converted to PDF format and attachments can be saved as locally stored documents. Users can also set email signatures, customize their emails and even integrate it with CRM systems such as Salesforce.

The MailBird platform also allows users to schedule emails when they come up with ideas of what they want to send out. You can decide how frequently you want your emails to be sent out or if you want them only sent at certain times of the day; this is especially useful if you're a part-time blogger that needs to send out blog posts regularly. You can also share your email list with other users so they'll receive content directly from your own inbox.

For IT professionals, the MailBird platform can also be a huge time-saver. Instead of having to deal with different email platforms for each type of file, you can use one central platform for all your emails and files. From spam filtering to archiving, everything is done from within the MailBird app. The interface is very easy to navigate and it even allows you to create new folders so you can organize and categorize your files in an organized fashion.

You can also host your own email newsletters on MailBird with templates that are built-in allowing you to easily design a look that matches your brand. All testing was done on an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.4 and the MailBird app was consistently smooth.

SparkMailer is another cloud-based platform that is similar to MailBird in many ways. The service includes a full suite of integrated collaboration tools with built-in productivity apps such as Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. SparkMailer also includes a feature where you can create surveys to collect information from your customers or clients so you can gauge their satisfaction levels and better understand what they are looking for in the future.

When it comes to sending emails, SparkMailer also supports all types of files, including Microsoft Office documents and images. You can send emails from within the app or by sending a link to a recipient through SMS.

Sending emails is similarly easy as on MailBird; however, there are some key differences. For example, you can have SparkMailer automatically send out emails when you sign up with your LinkedIn account or get an email notification when you get a new email on your Gmail account. Sometimes it's difficult to remember if you've seen a particular message in your inbox or spam folder, but with SparkMailer you'll be notified whenever you get an email and have the option to reply right away without even opening the message.

Email may be one of the most common forms of communication among businesses, but it can also be very wasteful. The more emails you send out, the less time you have to get things done. To eliminate clutter and stay productive, check out these two cloud-based email platforms; they'll make your life a lot easier.

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By: John Koetsier | Sep 02, 2014

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Email is a wonderful tool, but too often it winds up feeling like a wrist-slashing knife. If you're overworked or overwhelmed by the pace at which your inbox fills, this is for you. It's time to follow what SparkMailer CEO Dimitri Semenikhin calls the 'the law of the minimum' - the idea that email can deliver far less than its subject line promises (links to other pages, attachments and more) - and takes advantage of its real power: quick communication.

It's not an easy goal. "I can't tell you how many emails people send me that could have been done over Twitter," says Semenikhin. "I get two or three a day, like 'I want to meet with you.' And it's just sent over Twitter." In fact, he says that SparkMailer's email sharing function is the most popular with its customers.

However, this technique can be perfectly effective. Of course, you'll need to do it right. Here are five rules for sent emails that make it clear they are not a waste of your time:

1. Personalize the subject line so I know what it's about and which email to open first.

"If I get an email from you and the subject is 'Hi,' I know I'm not going to open your email," says Semenikhin.

Conclusion: If you want me to open your email, you need to find a way to make it stand out in my inbox. (And, no, forming your subject line with all capital letters doesn't count.)

2. Move the important information near the top of the email.

"One thing I hate is when people put all this stuff at the bottom of an email and it's like a 'PS,' Semenikhin says.

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