Beware The Busy Manager
Pushed to the back-burner of your manager's agenda, you might be left feeling undervalued and overworked. You are constantly being asked for tasks that take up a lot of your time, such as meeting with key clients or reviewing important project information.
Unfortunately, you may be encountering signs that indicate that your manager is not a good use of his or her time. If this sounds like you and you're experiencing these signs in the workplace, then it might be time to take action.
Tasks and assignments that consume a lot of your time give an idea to your managers that you are probably the right person for the job. You are not being asked to do these tasks because you're incompetent or unable to do them.
On the contrary, these tasks are taking up more of your schedule than they should be and leaving you with no time to get other things done, such as catching up on correspondence or attending important client meetings.
If this is happening, then it may be a good idea to bring this up with your manager, so he or she can prioritize what should be done and what shouldn't be done in order for your work schedule and tasks to fit into a manageable workload.
If you feel like your manager is constantly asking you to do tasks that you don't have time to do, then it might be time to express your concerns to your manager. You should also document any issues that need attention, so your boss can see how much work you are actually doing.
If it is a sign that you're being pushed too hard and putting in more hours than necessary, then it might be a good idea to schedule an exit interview with your boss so he or she can see how much progress has been made and what progress needs to be made in the future.
Sometimes, the fact your manager is asking you to do everything is a good sign that he or she recognizes your value. On the other hand, if your manager isn't being honest with you or being helpful by suggesting tasks that might be unnecessary, then it's likely time to take a moment and consider changing jobs.
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Ensure your boss knows how much you care about getting results by saying out loud, "I'm here to produce results". With no doubts, this will give your boss the realization that you really do care.
Workplace issues are unavoidable but not so obvious. These include long hours and unrealistic deadlines, but at the same time, it also means opportunities for improvement. You just have to develop a better way of communicating with your employer about why you need more time for certain tasks.
Beware The Busy Manager