Bitacle: Blog Search Archive


 Bitacle: Blog Search Archive

Bitacle is a free, open source blog search and archive system. Bitacle indexes all blogs by extracting content from their RSS, Atom, and OPML feeds. With Bitacle it's really easy to find the latest posts on any blog, the recent posts on blogs that you read regularly or are interested in, or to browse through older posts.

# What are Blogs?
Blog is a type of website that features regularly updated entries (posts). The entries so far appear in reverse chronological order with the newest appearing at the top of list. Most blogging platforms allow authors to upload images or video files as well as links to other articles in order to illustrate their points and provide sources for their work when appropriate. Blogs can come in all shapes and sizes from the smallest of blogs to the largest of websites. The most popular ones are often found on popular web properties such as Blogspot.
# Why Bitacle?
Bitacle makes finding recent blog posts easy by indexing all blogs and matching them to your browser so you can quickly search and browse through their content. Bitacle also allows you to search for a particular entry and displays an image preview while the contents is being retrieved, saving you time by allowing you to get directly to your desired entries without having to scroll through them. On top of that it also allows you to archive blog entries, which automatically adds that entry into your archival category's list of entries.
# How do I use it?
There are three ways to use Bitacle. The easiest way is to simply add the snippet below in your preferred page template file and include the bitacle snippet in your page. Another way is to download the source code, extract it into a directory and include it anywhere you want. The third way is by using the included extension on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
For those who want a quick overview of Bitacle check out this video samples:
How to Use Bitacle Using Three Methods (Video)
The code used in these samples can be found here : https://github.

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