Bitacle: Homepage aggregator


 Bitacle: Homepage aggregator

Bitacle is a homepage aggregator that tells visitors what the important websites their viewer is interested in. The slogan of Bitacle is "Take control of your browsing". It's like Reddit, but with fewer users and more focus on individual interests. 

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled " 11 Ways to Achieve Your Goals".

If you've ever wanted to accomplish something big, either for yourself or for your business, there are many ways you can do so with minimal effort - if you know what your doing! Let these eleven tips guide the way...
- Put one goal at a time, with immediate measurable progress towards it.  - Avoid getting overwhelmed by too many goals at once. Break your big goal into smaller, more manageable goals and focus on one at a time.  - Create a game plan for your big goal, adding things step-by-step. 
- Celebrate milestones. Don't forget to give yourself credit for the small steps you take towards achieving your goals. 
- Learn from the past and look to the future while staying present in the present moment. 
- Keep a positive attitude and stay determined. When you feel like giving up, just think of what that would do to your overall goal!  - Visualize success every day. If you can't see yourself reaching your goal in your mind's eye, how will it ever happen? 
- Keep at it, even if it feels like all the energy and enthusiasm is leaving you. Step by step, one small victory at a time, this one is within reach!
- When you think things will never work out as you wish they would, remember that planning and strict discipline are the keys to making something work. 
- Be consistent. You have to be every day to see any results...
- Read daily! [ Visit this site at least once daily]  Get inspired by inspirational blogs and articles on success our world has achieved...
- Never give up!
- Look at pictures of your goal... especially those you think will make you happy.
- Take action and take one step forward for every two steps back you take.
- Stay focused on your positive goals and program yourself to stay motivated and focused until they come true.

Your audience (audience segment) may be more interested in business websites, blogs, Facebook businesses, tech entrepreneurs, marketing, a social media guru or perhaps a creative writer? 
Include two introductory paragraphs on each of these topics within the main body of your blog

Find interesting sites that relate to what you want to write about - include relevant links within your blog post: -> search "marketing" -> search "social media guru"

Write a blog post titled: "20 Tips for a new writer."

If you're in the midst of starting your own business as a creative writer and if you're having trouble staying motivated, let these twenty tips guide the way... 

1) Make a game plan for your business, step-by-step, adding more steps along the way. 2) Keep yourself positive and determined to succeed by visualizing all the good things about to happen in your future. 3) Stay focused on your positive goals and program yourself to stay motivated and focused until they come true. 
4) Integrate a new habit or habit chain into your life every single day. 5) Have a daily reminder to be grateful for all the good things in your life. 
6) In the morning before you start your day, make sure you know exactly what's on tap for the day (and take action!) 7) Always act with integrity and always be present in the moment. Break eye contact and apologize if you've offended someone. 
8) Don't let anything get you down and don't react negatively to other people who are down on themselves. 
9) Speak positively about yourself, about your goals and about your dreams... Everything is positive until proven negative. 
10) Do things that will help you achieve your goals right away. You'll feel better after taking action. 11) Practice self-discipline every day by taking smaller actions as a means to achieving bigger goals in the future. 12) Keep it fun! Always be inspired by other successful writers, marketers, tutors, etc... You'll find that a little inspiration goes far! 
- Done!

List three ways you're using social media or want to use social media to help your cause.
Write a blog post titled "1. Why I Want To Use Social Media." - Don't forget to include three tips for readers. 

These tips should be related to your blog topic and will allow readers to get more information about how you use social media:

Start with an introduction paragraph introducing yourself and the problem (what is it?) you hope to solve with your chosen platform/blog/website:

Include three paragraphs of organic links from sites that are related to your topic:

Write a blog paragraph titled "2. How I'm Using Social Media." 
Choose two platforms you want to promote your blog or website with and write a paragraph on how each platform can help with: -> Write this first because Facebook is the largest social media platform, right?


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